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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 15)

    We took our seats. I sat next to Spencer and Kat sat next to me. As the movie started Kat grabbed my hand in fear squeezing it tightly. I knew that she liked scary movies but she hated watching them alone. I smiled and turned to Spencer who was staring at our intertwined hands.

    I reached out for her hand but she moved it out of my reach surprised I leaned in to whisper in her ear, "what’s wrong?"

    "Nothing," she replied cooly.

    "Come on babe ya can’t fool me. What’s wrong?" I asked carefully. Spencer stood up tall and turned to look down on me fury and sadness prominent in her eyes.

    "What’s wrong Ashley?" she hissed, "What’s wrong is that YOU ARE MORE OF A MOTHER TO MY DAUGHTER THAN I AM!" she was screaming now and I had to move back a bit.

    The crowd behind us voiced its protest telling us to quiet down or leave. Spencer with tears in her eyes dashed up the stairs and out of the darkened room.

    "SPENCER!" I screamed after her but couldn’t seem to move. Kat stood a grabbed my hand.

    "Come on idiot. What the hell are you doing?! Go after her! Qw both have some serious apologizing to do!" But for what?!

    i let Kat drag me out of the movie theatre and into the street. She yelled after the retreating figure of Spencer.

    ‘Spencer stop! Spencer!" but the blonde ignored the calls and continued running. "MOM!" Kat screamed. Spencer finally slowed to a stop and let the two of us catch up to her, "at least let us drive you home so that we can all talk about this…"

    Spencer nodded her head in defeat and the trio headed off towards the car. The ride home was short but it felt like ages to me because I was stuck in an awkward silence. Kat opened the door to their home seeing as I seemed unable to move without her help.

    "OKay now you two are going to sit down and figure this out okay?"we both nodded.

    "Spencer…what did I do?"

    "What did you do?" Spencer adapted a cold tone and began to mimick Ashley, "no we can’t see that movie, no she hates that type of candy…well than why don’t you raise her?"

    "Look Spencer I’m sorry that me and Kat have gotten closer but I like her and…"

    "You know how much this means to me Ashley! You know how much I want to be a good parent! You are just complicating things and tearing me and Kat apart!"

    "How the fuck am I tearing you apart?! You are the one who doesn’t spend any time with her and treat her like a child!" we were both shouting now and were standing very close.

    "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I CAN"T TAKE THE YELLING!" Kat screamed from the doorway her hands covering her ears. We both stared at her in surprise and disbelief. I heard the doorbell ring and I felt Spencer’s breath leave my face as she went to answer it.

    "Hello?" I heard her voice from the hallway, "What?! No I won’t let you!"

    "Ma’am I’m sorry but we have our orders now will you please get out of our way?" a gruff voice asked from the entrance.


    I ran to the doorway to see what was wrong with Spencer and found her blocking the entrance to her home to two police men.

    "I won’t let you take her!"

    "She’s not yours to keep ma’am…"

    "She’s my DAUGHTER!" Spencer replied angrily. The two men pushed her out of the way and headed towards Kat hwo was standing stunned in the hallway. I quickly stepped in front of her.

    "What is this about? You’ll need to explain before you take her anywhere!"

    "I’m sorry miss but you have no part in this at all so please get out of our way. We are under the orders of Mr. Santoni and those orders are to take his daughter back from the irresponsible care she is in!" I stood there stunned. They took this as their opportunity and grabbed Kat pulling her out of the house.

    "Chase…" Spencer whispered.

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