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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 2)

    "Spence!" the blonde was jerked out of her musings as she looked up at her clearly aggravated wife, "stop watching that shit and come eat dinner!"

    Spencer sighed, "Yes dear…" 


    Ashley and Aiden arrived at the night club and inmmediately caught the attention of the whole room. They caught everyone’s eye. The tall raven-haired man was well built, handsome, and had every girl swooning. The petite brunette was gorgeous and she had such grace, not only were all of the guy’s eyes on her but most of the girls as well. The pair oblivious to the staring eyes took their seats at the bar, where they ordered alcohol filled drinks. Ashley leaned back on her bar stoll and observed the club.

    "You know what Aid…I feel like dancing! Don’t you?" Aiden chuckled lightly at his friends excitement and took a sip of his drink.

    "Ash…you’re always in the mood for dancing," he smiled before adding, "among other things…" he grumbled.

    "Hey!" the brunette said in protest blowing some of her curly hair from her face, "are you insinuating something?" The raven-haired boy adopted a look of mock offense.

    "Why of course not!"

    "Good," and with that the brunette left the raven haired man at the bar alone to joun the dancing mob of people. She found her prey after a little while and began to grind hard with the petite red head who was by far the hottest girl in the room. Besides Ashley. Things were just starting to heat up between the two when an unfamiliar hand gripped her shoulder hard. She turned around to address the stranger.

    "What the hell is your pro-?"

    "Get away from my girl," the drunked man said in a low grumble cutting the brunette’s interrogation short, "dyke…" he added as an after thought. 

    "What did you just call me?!" the brunette asked anger rising in her throat.

    "I called you," the man got very close to the brunette’s face, "a fucking dyke bitch!" Ashley couldn’t stop the rage filling her and she swung back her fist to punch the offending man hard in the face. She repeated the motion over and over until she had the man writhing in pain on the floor. At the bar Aiden jumped from his seat when he saw his best friend begin the fight. He stopped himself, however, when he noticed that the tiny brunette was winning. He chuckled and turned back to the bar to order himself another drink. 

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