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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 3)

    “All right Max wait a moment while I…set up…and then send her in,” the secretary knew his boss and her habits all to well. When she said to wait while she “set up” it meant wait for a moment as she scurried about her office trying to make it look presentable.

    “Okie dokie, boss,” Spencer sprung into action as she began to ram files into her drawers, not really caring what way they went in. The blonde was very big on first impressions. After a bit of “setting up” the blonde believed that her office looked okay. She heard a loud knock at the door and she yelled to the visitor telling her to come in. She pulled out a random file and began to pretend to be immersed in it. When she heard a loud click she knew that the door had been closed. “Sit down…” she said motioning to the empty chair in front of her desk still not looking up at the stranger. She pretended to leaf through the empty file until she heard the squeak from the cushion in front of her signaling that someone had sat down in the chair. She lifted her head finally to address a possible client, placing the file to the side. As she looked up her eyes locked with a pair of gorgeous brown ones. She froze and she felt her pulse quicken.

    “Hi,” Spencer watched as the anxious brunette’s lips moved and she found herself completely enthralled, “I’m…”

    “Ashley Davies,” the blonde lawyer finished for her as she recognized her as the girl from the news the night before, “the girl with the mean right hook,” the brunette chuckled.

    “And you’re Spencer Carlin the best lawyer in New York City,” Spencer blushed at the complement and lowered her eyes to stare at the floor. What the hell?! Spencer you do not lower your eyes to anyone! Spencer mentally scolded herself and forced her gaze to return to the brunette.

    “Flattery will get you almost as far as pounding someone’s face in will…” she said as she raised one eyebrow at the brunette.

    “Yeah…well that’s kinda why I’m here, see…” Ashley began.

    “You beat someone up for no reason and you want me to save you from your un-avoidable future as a cell mate to some horny fat man who hasn’t seen a real woman for years,” Spencer stated bluntly, having dealt with many people in Ashley’s position. People who tried to slither out of their wrongdoings using money or connections. She watched as the brunette’s face flushed red with anger.

    “I didn’t beat him up for no reason,” she protested, “he provoked me!”

    “You realize that you sound like a cat in heat right now,” Spencer said with a chuckle at Ashley’s high-pitched whine.

    “Look just here me out please!” the brunette pleaded. Spencer felt bad for her and nodded her head signaling to the Ashley that it was okay for her to continue, “I was dancing with a…girl,” Ashley looked up at the lawyer searching for her reaction to the fact that she was gay. When it looked like it wasn’t negative the brunette plowed on, “and then a guy interrupted us and told me to back off his “woman,” the brunette placed the word in air quotes and Spencer couldn’t help but chuckle. “I refused, and then he called me a dyke…” Spencer felt herself fill with anger.

    “He what?!”

    “He called me a dyke,” Spencer stood up suddenly from her chair startling the brunette, her face red hot with anger. The brunette scooted her chair backwards a bit afraid that the blonde might bite her. Spencer pressed her finger down hard on the big red button on her intercom.

    “Max…?” she said coldly into the speaker.

    “Yes?” the secretary responded quickly, noticing immediately the tone his boss. He had only heard this from her twice in his time of employment. Once when her brother, Glen, had called her a faggot, and another when he himself had gotten her decaf coffee instead of regular. Someone had pissed the fiery blonde off, and he felt terribly sorry for whoever the unfortunate soul was.

    “Bring in a blank file…we have a case to win…” the secretary smiled. He had never heard Spencer sound so determined about a case before.

    “Yes ma’am!”

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