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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 4)

    “I think I’m gonna pull an all nighter… I’ll inform the missus, but hey you should go home get some rest…” Max shook his head violently.

    “No way babe! If you’re staying then I’m staying,” he grinned widely at the blonde and Spencer couldn’t help but return it, “so is there anything that you need me to do?”

    “Actually if you could look up the Points kid it’d be a big help…”

    “No problem chief,” Max headed for the door. He turned around one last time to address his boss, “Oh, and good luck…” they both knew he was talking about Spencer explaining this to the other Mrs. Carlin.

    “Thanks,” the secretary skipped out of the office and Spencer sat down at her desk. She picked up her phone and hesitantly dialed her home number.

    “Hello?” a tired voice answered. Spencer took a deep breath, “Hello?”

    “Hi babe!” Spencer said cheerfully bracing herself for the screaming sure to come.

    “Hello Spencer…” the tired voice replied quietly and Spencer was stunned.

    “Listen hun, I’m sorry about dinner but we got a new case today after you called and… anyway I’m going to be staying overnight at the office…”

    “Whatever Spencer…” Kyla answered still in that tired tone and hung up the phone leaving her wife with only the dial tone. Spencer hung up the phone and began calling on all her will power to stop her from crying.

    “You didn’t have to do that you know…” a small voice said from behind her and her comfy chair.

    “Go home Ms. Davies…” Spencer replied coldly.

    “You don’t have to stay here overnight…there will be tomorrow, go home…”

    “No…this is a really important case and my wife,” she said sharply, “will understand…” Spencer still hadn’t turned around so she could not see the surprised expression on her client’s face.


    “Yeah that’s usually the reaction I get…feel free to take your business elsewhere Ms. Davies…” Spencer said her own voice sounding tired and distant. She wasn’t in the mood for any homophobic shit.

    “No you don’t understand. I’m gay too…” Ashley said finally finding her voice. I thought I made that clear earlier…? Now it was Spencer’s turned to be surprised. She turned slowly around in her chair to look at her client.

    “Oh…” she said at a loss for words. She got up and walked over to Ashley. As she got nearer the brunette could feel herself shiver with apprehension.

    “Are you cold?” the blonde asked noticing the brunette shiver.

    “Yes,” Ashley lied not wanting the lawyer to see the affect she had on the tiny brunette.

    “I’ll go turn up the heat then…” the blonde stated and headed for the door to her office where the temperature controls were located.

    “Wait!” Ashley grabbed Spencer’s arm and pulled her in very close. The girl’s mouths were inches apart and neither of them dared breath. Spencer found herself melting inside at their closeness and realized with a start that she enjoyed the brunette’s arms wrapped around her.

    “Wha-what are you doing?” Spencer managed to whisper. Ashley stepped swiftly back as if just realizing how close they were.

    “I-I don’t know…” she said quietly before running out of the office door. Max saw the brunette dart from the room and couldn’t help but be curious, it was in his nature. He stepped into the dark office. He found Spencer leaning, two hands on her desk with her back to him, breathing hard.

    “Is everything okay sweetie?” he asked caringly.

    “I-I don’t know…” Spencer replied echoing Ashley’s words…

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