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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 5)

    Spencer paced around her office the information on Reginald Points clutched tightly in her hand. The information had proven very useful and Spencer congratulated herself for choosing such an efficient secretary. The blonde had just figured out her opening argument and had headed over to her desk to jot it down when the door swung open with a loud bang making the blonde squeal. The trespasser tried the best she could to not burst out into laughter at the startled lawyer.

    “Oh…I’m sorry did I startle you?” she said in a quiet voice afraid that if she spoke louder her amusement would show.

    “Yes…yes you did! Miss Davies I don’t want to be rude but what the hell are you doing in my office!?” the blonde snapped leaning against her oak desk clutching her heart. The brunette gave the shocked blonde a quizzical look before staring down at her watch.

    “It is ten isn’t it…?” Spencer looked over at her desk.

    “Yes I suppose it is but what the fuck does that have to do with it?” Spencer couldn’t stop the curse. She couldn’t help that fact that she tended to curse a lot when scared. Plus, she had not forgotten the night before. She had tried to ignore it all morning but it still managed to slip into her mind once and awhile.

    “Your secretary told me to come in at ten…for my appointment…” Ashley said confused. Suddenly it dawned on the blonde.

    “Oh he did, did he…” the blonde grumbled taking a seat in her comfy chair. Probably missed a fucking sticky note…”Well than I suppose we should attend to business. Please sit,” Spencer motioned for the chair. Ashley sat in it cautiously and managed to sit in silence for a little, while the blonde organized her papers before not being able to stand it a moment longer.

    “Spence…about last night…” she said quietly. Spencer stiffened at the use of the nickname and at the recalling of last night.

    “Miss Davies, I’d rather not talk about it…”

    “But Spence…” the blonde lost it and stood up and walked around her desk till she hovered over the brunette. She cupped the girl’s cheek and leaned in close.

    “You are to call me Miss Carlin and I repeat I don’t want to discuss last night…” she snapped in Ashley’s face. Ashley did not move away but instead moved in closer to the angry blonde.

    “What, no Mrs…?” she whispered. They were centimeters apart and Ashley could smell the toothpaste the lawyer had used that morning. The door opened and Spencer instantly backed off the brunette and hurried to her chair. A confused Max entered the room and couldn’t help but notice the flustered look on his boss’s face and the smirk on her client’s.

    “Spencer honey, you have…umm…someone here to see you…” Spencer could here someone snapping in the back round at her secretary.

    “Really, do I really need to ask for permission to speak to my own…?” Max’s face grew hot and he turned around to address the visitor in the waiting room.

    “Look shut up for a second okay. You’re not special, you do not get special treatment, and you don’t get to talk to me like that…” Spencer was surprised she couldn’t remember a time where her secretary had been so rude. She cleared her throat loudly.

    “Max, can I ask who you are addressing?” Max turned his head back around to look at his boss his famous smile once again placed on your face.

    “Sorry for the intrusion boss, it’s your…”

    “Your wife!” A disgruntled Kyla pushed her way through the door and past the protective secretary.

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