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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 6)

    "Ohh!" she let out a squel of excitement, "I adore that museum! MOST definitely Miss Davies! Most definitely…"

    "Please call me Ashley. So I will get your number from my lawyer and give you a ring sometime!" Ashley placed her infamous smile on her face. Kyla looked positively overjoyed.

    "Of course it was…" but her sentence was cut off as the brunette embraced her as if they were old friends. Kyla was shocked and soon returned the hug. Spencer watched on and couldn’t help but feel jealousy rise in her throat. How dare she hug Ashl…Kyla! Spencer switched her thoughts around at the last moment trying to convince herself that she was feeling jealousy over her wife and not her client.

    "See you around Kyla darling!" Ashley said as she practically pushed the raven-haired girl out of the door. The woman did not object to this because she was still entranced by Ashley and her famous smile. The brunette slammed the door shut and leaned against it. Spencer smiled at her client’s cleverness. Ashley fixed her skirt and moved to sit back down in the chair across from Spencer’s desk.

    "Your good," the blonde told the brunette. Ashley smiled.

    "I know…" Great now we’ll never get her big head through the door. Spencer chuckled. Ashley opened her mouth to continue.

    "Your wife is a bitch…" she mumbled quietly to herself. Spencer felt realization hit her like a ton of bricks, she really is… Spencer stood up from her desk and strode over to where Ashley was sitting. She pulled Ashley is close but this time she refused to be interrupted. She pressed her lips hard against the brunette’s almost pushing her out of the chair. It didn’t take long for the short brunette to return the kiss with equal passion. Eventually Ashley pulled away.

    "Mrs. Carlin?"

    "Pleas call me Spence…" the two jumped as they heard some snickering from behind the office door. Spencer held a finger to her lips and nodded toward the door. Spencer got up off of Ashley’s lap and quietly walked over to the door. She opened it and watched as her secretart who was obviously leaning against the door, fall head first into the room. Ashley chuckled as the red head got up and brushed himself off.

    "Do you need something Max dear?"

    "No-no…nothing important…"

    "Well than I suggest you go back to your post and leave me to my private conversations," Spencer said in a light tone. She felt much better now that she knew she was going to be able to work things out with Kyla later.

    "Yes, yes of course hun," the secretary headed for the door and closed it. The brunette in the chair could no longer contain herself and she burst out giggling. Spencer gave a light chuckle herself.

    "So Miss Davies, I have figured out my opening argument for your case. You know the case that we are supposed to talk about," she raised her eyebrows and the brunette shook her head in confusion. How can she ignore what just happen! What the hell? Why does this girl fucking confuse me so much!? Ignoring her client’s confused expression the lawyer plowed on, "well as I was saying my assistant and I found some very intresting stuff on your victim. He has in fact been arrested several times before for possesion and assult. In my opening argument I am going to stress this hard…How does that sound ot you Miss Davies?" Well it’s time to remind her!

    "All I know is that I did the right thing by coming to you!" the brunette complemented giving her best flirty smile. The lawyer smiled and chuckled.

    "Thank you, you may go…" Oh no you’re not getting rid of me that easy. Spencer stood up and walked Ashley to her office door. When they reached the door Spencer found herself being pulled into a tight hug by the small brunette. After awhile she gave in and returned the hug. As Ashley pulled away she placed a light kiss on the blonde’s cheek. Spencer felt her face grow hot and she knew that she must resemble a tomato. Her face, however, was not the only thing that was now burning. Ashley gave a quick goodbye to the stunned blonde sliding her hand along the blonde’s arm before running out of the door.

    "Damn me and my arousal…" Spencer muttered to herself.

    "What’s that boss?" her nosy but caring secretary yelled to her.

    "Nothing Max, nothing…"

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