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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 7)

    "Yes…and every night you never admit I exist! It’s like your married to your office not to me!" Kyla snapped back.
    "That’s because my office has more personality…" Spencer whispered to herself. After she realized what she had said the blonde began hoping beyond hope that her wife hadn’t heard her. She stood from the couch and turned to face her wife. She saw to her dismay that tears were falling from her wife’s eyes. "Kyla, baby, I’m so sorry…" the blonde said moving into embrace her hurt wife. Kyla took a large step back and wiped a tear from her eye.
    "LEAVE SPENCER!" the raven-haired girl was screaming now. Her voice resounding throughout the house. Spencer who saw that her wife was not bluffing walked cautiously to the door, picking up her keys and purse on the way out, making sure not to turn her back to the furious dark eyed woman. 
    Spencer sighed as she got into her car. Where the fuck do I go now?! She slammed her head against the car seat. Well let’s just drive and see where it takes me… She started up her car and pulled out of her driveway making sure to honk the horn loudly as one last angry protest.
    A few minutes later and Spencer found herself shuffling her feet outside of a red apartment door. She had already rang the doorbell and was now waiting fot the moment when the infamous door would be opened. What the fuck am I doing here? Spencer sighed in confusion and frustration at herself and turned to leave. Right then she heard a small creak and lifted her head as the door was opened.
    "Spencer?" the voice asked questionably. All the doubts before left her upon sight of the woman before her. Spencer, however, did not let them continue as she slammed her lips into theirs. She pushed them back into the apartment, their lips still connected. She lifted her hands and entangled them in the mane of brown curls as Spencer opened her mouth to accept the other girl’s tongue. The pair fell back onto the couch still kissing fiercely. Spencer took the girl’s bottom lip in her own and sucked it lightly between her lips. The girl responded and slid her tongue into Spencer’s mouth so that she could massage the blonde’s tongue. Spencer chokes back a moan as a wave of pleasure ripped through her and she ground her hips hard against the brunettes. This time it was the brunette’s turn to moan out becasue of the friction between the girls’ hips. Spencer pulled back. Brown eyes connected with hers. Spencer began searching the brown haired girl’s eyes to see if it was okay.
    "Don’t stop," the brunette uttered quietly as if she knew what the other girl was wondering. That’s all Spencer needed to hear and she brought her lips down on the brunette’s massaging her tongue against the other girl’s bottom lip begging for entrance. The kiss began to slow and become more gentle as if they were savoring each other. Spencer pulled back again to look at the gorgeous girl beneath her. 
    "You are so beautiful Ashley…" she whispered to the brunette and moved back into kiss the girl again missing the tast of her lips. To her surprise the smaller girl halted her advances placing a finger against the blonde’s lips.
    "Wife?" was all the brunette managed to get out between her heavy breathing. The blonde shook her head violently and thought for a second choosing her words carefully.
    "Fuck her…" she said loudly before leaning in again. 
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