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    It’s Not Over

    I’ve taken all I can take
    And I cannot wait
    We’re wastin too much time
    Bein strong, holdin on
    Can’t let it bring us down


    The truth was, Ashley meant everything to her. Ashley was her best friend. Her life wasn’t complete without Ashley. She had built it specifically around the two of them in the past year. She always thought that they were inseparable. If Aiden wanted a battle then he had picked the right girl to do so with. But he would not win the war.

    My life with you means everything
    So I won’t give up that easily
    I’ll blow it away, blow it away
    Can we make this something good?
    Cause it’s all misunderstood


    Spencer sat staring out her upstairs window, cell phone in hand. She just kept staring down at Ashley’s cell phone number. She wanted nothing more than to call her and tell her that she loved her and wouldn’t let her go. But how pathetic would that sound if Ashley no longer felt the same way?  Spencer’s thumb hovered over the buttons but then she quickly shut the phone.

    Well I’ll try to do it right this time around
    Let’s start over
    Try to do it right this time around
    It’s not over
    Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground
    This love is killin me
    But you’re the only one
    It’s not over


    Spencer sat there for hours, just looking outside. She sat a small convertible slowly drive by outside. She quickly thought of Ashley. Then her cell phone began to ring. It was her. It was the phone call that held all the answers. It was either her prayer or her death wish.

    She flipped open the cell phone, answering it, “Hello?”

    “Hey Spence.”

    Spencer noticed how upset Ashley sounded. She wanted to take the pain away. But she caught herself and told herself that she had to be strong for herself, not Ashley. She wondered what Ashley was going to say. But as soon as Spencer wondered what was going to happen the words passed through Ashley’s lips.

    We can’t let this get away
    Let it out, let it out
    Don’t get caught up in yourself
    Let it out 
    Let’s start over
    We’ll try to do to it right this time around
    It’s not over
    Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
    This love is killin me
    But you’re the only one
    It’s not over


    Spencer fought for an answer. She wanted to say no or maybe. But when it came to Ashley she was weak. She was like a child. It made Spencer feel sad for herself. But just as she had figured, she said the only response that came to her mind as soon as Ashley had spoken.

    Let’s start over
    It’s not over, yeah…
    This love is killin me
    But you’re the only one
    It’s not over

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    1. ok I KNOW where you got your inspirtation for this post…lol dude…you CANNOT be puttin me out like that…i mean yes i kno my experience didnt exactly happen like that…(it was alot more fucked up)…but COME ON JESS!its was good tho…i liked it-Tiff

    2. ok I KNOW where you got your inspirtation for this post…lol dude…you CANNOT be puttin me out like that…i mean yes i kno my experience didnt exactly happen like that…(it was alot more fucked up)…but COME ON JESS!its was good tho…i liked it-Tiff

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