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    Its that song.

    Girl, why you do me like that?
    You take all my money
    Can’t even call a player back (Wait a minute)
    Boy, why you tripping like that?
    You think ’cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)

    Spencer made her choice in that split second she didn’t want to live without Ashley for another second and she was about to make sure Ashley knew exactly what she felt, and she was just drunk enough to do it.  She moved into the circle when Ashley had her back to her and pushed her whole body in to her’s pulling Ashey against her, when the older girl spun around to see who was grinding against her she couldn’t believe her eyes.  Spencer didn’t wait for Ashley to keep up she didn’t care that the whole crowd was screaming their excitement as they watched the 2 girls she wanted Ashley and she wanted her now.

    Minding my business, I was doing my thing
    Got my attention, so I gave him a chance (Wait a minute)
    Did I mention he was buying a bar?
    Gave him my number, he was trying so hard (Wait a minute)
    Bought me some things I didn’t want, didn’t need
    Dropped down his jeans like I’m supposed to drop to my knees (Wait a minute)
    He been blowing up my phone like he know me
    Been leaving messages "You know what you owe me" (Wait a minute)

    She put her thigh between Ashley’s legs and with one hand in her hair she pulled her into a very heated kiss she could taste the alcohol on her breath and smell the sweat mixed with chocolate smell Ashley was wearing.  She used her free hand to grind Ashley into her thigh to the rythm of the music.  She pulled back with her hand still in the back of Ashley’s hair making eye contact she saw that Ashley was just as gone as she was.  She pulled Ashley back to her but this time she sucked at her neck and pushed her thigh against Ashley’s sex hard.

    Girl, why you do me like that?
    You take all my money
    Can’t even call a player back (Wait a minute)
    Boy, why you tripping like that?
    You think ’cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)
    Girl, why you do me like that?
    You take all my money
    Can’t even call a player back (Wait a minute)
    Boy, why you tripping like that?
    You think ’cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)

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