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    Its that song.

    "OHH FUCK SPENCER."  Spencer could barely hear her over the music but she knew they needed to get off this dance floor or she was going to fuck her right here.  Spencer grabbed her hand and led her off the dance floor.  Needless to say people were clapping and chearing as they entered the girls bathroom.

    What is your problem daddy?
    Slow your roll
    Who you think you jiving?
    You’re disturbing my flow (Wait a minute)
    Why you be bugging?
    Like I’m some kind of hoe
    Got no more questions and I want you to go
    So break (Break)

    Ashley could barely keep her own lust in check when Spencer basically threw her onto a couch in the girls bathroom.  "Spence?"  Spencer stradled her and with one hand in her hair and one on her face crushed her lips to Ashley’s cutting off the conversation.  Ashley was not nearly drunk enough to just go with the flow even though her clit was throbbing she needed to make sure Spencer wasn’t just drunk and that she wouldn’t regret this later since it was Spencer’s choice to (take a break.)  "Spence stop just for a minute."  Spencer pulled back but the lusty glazed over look in her eye made Ashley shiver.  "Babe I want this…..I mean…I really want this….." She smiled and kept going.  "I just want to make sure you aren’t going to regret thi……"  Spencer cut Ashley off.  "ASH SHUT UP."  She crushed her lips back onto the other girls lips with one thought on her mind.  "Fuck me."  Spencer said her voice was raw and their was no doubt what she wanted.  Ashley grabed Spencer and flipped her on her back she was glad for the lock on the main door because she wouldn’t have stopped even if it didn’t all that mattered right now was Spencer.  She untied the small string in the back of Spencer’s shirt and unbottoned the jeans Spencer was wearing pulling them off.  "Ohh god I missed you."  Spencer pushed the shirt bra Ashley was wearing over her head and tore at the skirt she was wearing.  When they were both naked Ashley pushed Spencer back down and attacked the blondes neck.  She didn’t waste anytime she wanted to take Spencer so rough right now she wanted to hear her scream her name.  She moved down Spencer’s body racking her teeth down her breast and sucking both nipples into her mouth, she kept going lower with her mouth but she kept her hands on Spencer’s breast rolling them in between her fingers and pulling on them.  When her mouth reached its destination she pulled her hands under Spencer’s thighs and bit the insides causing Spencer to hiss.

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