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    Its that song.

    Ashley didn’t tease or test to see how wet Spencer was she could smell and see that she was dripping.  She took 3 fingers and pushed them deep inside Spencer and both of them moaned at the sensation.  Spencer couldn’t wait, "Ash I want to fuck you."  Ashley didn’t have to be told twice she climed onto Spencer and attacked her clit.  She felt Spencer flick her tongue over Ashley’s clit and push 3 fingers inside at the same time. There were people outside banging on the door and they knew they needed to hurry.  "Im so close." Spencer was trying so hard to wait she wanted to cum with Ashley she added a 4th finger and she felt as well as heard the other girls orgasm ripped out of her body.  And she was right behind her.



    They both laid there breathing deep both of them wishing they were in a bed and not a club bathroom.  After they came down a little the banging on the door was loud and people were clearly pissed off.  "Ohh shit we better get out of here."  They quickly put there clothes back on and opened the bathroom door hand in hand, getting very dirty looks from about 10 girls who were waiting to use the bathroom.  Spencer led Ashley out threw the club and into the mass of people so they could dance she wanted to be close to Ashley and just be together the one night they had before there hectic lives picked up again.

    Spencer pulled Ashley close and was running her hands all over her body.  "What’s gotten into you?"  Ashley yelled in Spencer’s ear but it was just loud enough for Spencer to hear over the music.  Spencer didn’t answer she just flashed Ashley a sensuous smile and pushed both of her hands into the back of the brown curls pulling the girl in for another kiss the difference is that the way Spencer had wrapped her arms under Ashley and pulled her tight to her body this was a kiss about holding on and when Spencer pulled away Ashley saw it in her eyes.  "Im telling you its that song."  Spencer smiled.  "Ohh my gosh I know I was dancing and as soon as I heard it I thought of you."  They both made eye contact and had another small kiss.  "Do you want to get out of here?"  Ashley looked at Spencer pointedly but they both had the same thoughts.  "Yeah."  Ashley took Spencer’s hand and they left the club very grateful to the pussycat dolls.



    The end


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