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    Just Friends – (Chapter: A New start)


    “Not till you open up, and tell me why your mad”


    She opened the door and saw her face. It had tears falling down fast, and a small face. Her lips quivering.


    “Spencer baby what’s wrong, what happened??”


    “DON’T CALL ME BABY! go back to Carmen I never wanna see u again”


    “Spencer I don’t wan-.. wait, wait how do you know about Carmen?” she asked with puzzle face.


    “Just go Ashley, I don’t wanna talk anymore”


    “Not till you tell me how!!”



    “…… I didn’t send you a text last night”


    “Ya the one where u said I meant nothing and u just Fucked your wife and I mea- meant nothing to you” tears sheding again


    “Spencer i didn’t send that!”


    “Ya then who did??” anger filling her voice


    “….I think I know who.” She said coming in to Spencer house.


    “Where’s your phone?” she asked

    “Here” she said handing the phone pretty hard to Ashley.


    “Look I’m sending this text an dif we get one back then I know who sent it to you”




    “NO you should care, cause I care about you soo much Spencer, I love you , you mean more to me than anyone in this world and i cant lose you.” Spencer sat there quite while Ashley sent he text.



    ‘Ashley why cant we be together?” 


    A few minutes later a text came back and spencer’s face now was the one with the puzzled look.


    ‘Because me and Carmen are together again and stop talking to me’


    “Ash who’s ”


    “Spencer that’s Carmen, see I told you it wasn’t me” she said grabbing her hand.


    “I- I’m soo sorry Ashley I should’ve known better, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you” tears running again


    “Hey, hey Spence its ok, its ok, I just wanted to show you that I would never leave you for her, EVER!” she said grabbing her face and placing a kiss on her lips.


    That kiss intensified in seconds. The absents in their lives must have had them missing each others touch. Kissing each other felt perfect and so right.

    But Spencer pulled away, and looked into Ashley’s eyes.


    “What are you going to do about Carmen?”


    “Throwing her out and being with you DUH!”


    She let out a little laugh. “are you going now or are you staying here”


    “As much as I want to stay, I can ti have some business to take care of”


    “Ok well be back soon” she said placing her last kiss on her lips.


    “I will. And Spence”



    “I love you”


    “I love you more”


    “Good” she said laughing









    “CARMEN!!!!!!!!!! Where are you???”


    “Right here baby, what’s wrong?”


    “You wanna tell me why, Spencer got a text saying that I never wanted to see her again? HUH?”


    “….I, ah… ah… Ash it’s just were so perfect for each oth-“


    “Are you kidding!!!! You’re a horrible wife and one who can’t stay away from other girls and guys, I’m telling you for the last time LEAVE AND NEVER, NEVER COME BACK, JUST STAY OUT OF MY LIFE”


    “fine if that’s how you want it… then I’ll go.”

     She said stepping out side the door, when she turned around to say something else, the door was shut in her face. Made her nose hurt a little bit too.







    Ashley went to Spencer’s one more time at night, around 8. they talked about what was up with them, and what was gonna happen with the 2 of them.


    “soo… I’m saying that you and I should start off a clean slate”


    “Ash, I- I think you right,” “Hi I’m Spencer Carlin and you are??”


    “…Ashley, Ashley Davis. Its pleasure to meet you”


    “The pleasures all mine”


    Ashley let out a small laugh “well we’ll see about that”


    “Ashley you want to stay with me tonight?”


    "Ahhhh yeah.. of course"



    COMMENT!!! plezzz 

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    1. I was really liking this story until Ashley chose to disregard her feelings for Spencer and sleep with Carmen. Im disappointed that u didn’t have Spencer ask like “Why was Carmen in a position to text me last night? Were you with her?” Technically Ashley cheated on Spencer with Carmen, because they were basically already together. I don’t think it should have been bypasses.

    2. I was really liking this story until Ashley chose to disregard her feelings for Spencer and sleep with Carmen. Im disappointed that u didn’t have Spencer ask like “Why was Carmen in a position to text me last night? Were you with her?” Technically Ashley cheated on Spencer with Carmen, because they were basically already together. I don’t think it should have been bypasses.

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