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    Just Friends – (Chapter: Just dinner…Rite??)


    "OK I’ll be there"

    "Bye Ashley" ‘FINALLY SHE’S ALL MINE!!

    Ashley went back to the studio and tried to keep herself busy but

    Her mind was on one thing SPENCER. She was the only person in this

    World worth spending time with, the only person she trusted and how

    Could have this happened. Earlier this morning they were in bed

    Making love to each other and kissing and hugging and now they were so far apart the it killed her on the inside to be away from her one

    And true love.

    >But as time went on it became 7:30 quite fast.




    The door opened and there stood Carmen, in a beautiful red dress, fitting her perfect curves and her legs looked amazing. Ashley’s lips played a small smile and her hands healed a bottle of very good wine.


    "Hey Ashley come on in"


    "Thanks Carmen, here ya go, I thought I’d bring something"


    "Aww ash you really didn’t need to"


    Ashley stepped inside her once house, and looked at her Ex-wife she was wearing an apron and a few satins were on it. Ashley and Carmen took their seats at the table like they used to do, in there same seats.


    "Carman the food smells great, did u get it from a restaurant?" she asked half joking


    "Thanks I cooked it all home cooked… by ME… yes, yes me" she said with a giggle "And I vacuumed, dusted, boomed, moped, all of it. And dinner is served." she said placing the last dish on the table.


    Wine glasses half empty, food on the table, laughter filled the air, smiles on both face, but something was missing deep inside Ashley and she knew what it was. It was Spencer.

    After a wonderful meal and dessert they moved to the living room, they got comfortable with each other. They talked about what they had been up to. With the time passing by they scooted closer and closer, they were a mere inch apart, when lips were gently pressed on to each others, mouths slowly moving back and forth, toungs sweeping in their mouths, hands caressing each others bodies. Ashley pushed Carmen over on her back and she straddled her hips, never breaking the kiss.

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    1. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

    2. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

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