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    Just Friends – (Chapter: Just dinner…Rite??)




    ‘It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name

    It sounds so sweet

    Coming from the lips of an angel

    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    And I never wanna say goodbye

    But girl you make it hard to be faithful

    With the lips of an angel

    (And I never wanna say goodbye)

    But girl you make it hard to be faithful

    With the lips of an angel

    Honey why you calling me so late’


    "Ash-your-phone" Carmen said in between kisses


    Ashley knew who it was but she was occupied with something else. She knew it was wrong but it was strong enough to make Ashley stop and walk over to her phone and pick it up.


    "Spencer, h-hey" Carmen was still on the couch she could hear just fine, she was pissed off at the caller.

    "Hey Ashley, are you busy?

    "Ahh" she said looking back at Carmen "can I call you back in a little while?"

    Feeling a little disappointed Spencer answered back "Ah, Ya but its just important, and I need to talk to you"

    "OK Spence I’ll call you back… Bye"

    "Bye ash"


    Ashley headed back tot he couch to finish what they had started, and into the wee hours of the night they finally fell asleep. But sometime around 4 in the morning Carmen woke up and a sent a pretty nasty text to Ashley’s previous caller.


    ‘Listen Spencer I can’t do this anymore, you had your chance and you blew it. IM with Carmen now and we’re gonna work stuff out and forget about our divorce, she means a lotto me and you were just there for me for fun, you really meant nothing to me… I’m sorry Spencer but this is good-bye’



    Spencer woke up by the ring tone she had for her. She read and re-read the message to make sure her eyes weren’t playing a trick on her and they weren’t. Tears and sobbing noises filled her house. How could this be happening, she just lost the love of her life to an evil bitch.


    On the other hand there laid Carmen wrapped up in Ashley’s arms, an evil smirk played on her lips.  

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    1. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

    2. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

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