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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (11) Light)

    Keep Me Chapter 11

    Make them stop doing that! He’s your brother! Make ‘em stop! Please. Aiden!"

    The head of brown curls bobbed and weaved as she attempted to free herself of her restraints while both screaming at her captor and bellowing out to her friend who she thought was also bound.

    "Aiden isn’t like you Ashley. He’ll be stronger because he’s accepting his knew abilities. He’s grateful for them. Unlike you"
    She shut her eyes tight as she anticipated the pain. She wasn’t disappointed. The large hand of her friend’s older brother crashed onto her face, causing blood to trickle down her chin as she was lifted, carried and thrown into one of the sparring chambers.

    "We won’t stop the session… So I suggest you fight back for once"

    The warning was boomed over an intercom as she glared at the figures behind the glass wall the watched her. She had quickly learned that the glass was indestructible after her first session.

    “I’m not fighting ‘till I see Aiden! You remember him don‘t you? Your little brother who you’re experimenting on…your flesh and god damned blood!”

    Sighing he began to give the same speech he had been giving the teen since day 1…about a year ago.

    “What we’re giving you is amazing. Super human abilities. We are creating a new, more acceptable you. Why can’t you just see that and be happy?”

    “’cuz your fucking insane…’cuz I don’t appreciate being kidnapped, beaten, raped, and used as some freaking lab rat that you use to administer these lethal drugs”

    "I did not rape you."

    "Who said it was you? Got a guilty conscious Dennison? Don’t like the big bad lesbo calling you out?"

    She held an air as if she couldn’t care less that the man in front of her had physically violated her, that he forcefully took her innocence. Anyone who even glanced at her could see the raw pain she was feeling and in fear of everyone else knowing of his crime he cowardly changed the subject.

    “None of that matters. You can’t escape. Your mine now….I created what you are no-”

    “Do you think I like being what I am now? I can’t control a damn thing-”

    She lied before being cut off.

    “Do you think I care? Do you think anyone does? That anyone cares your gone? Do you realize that not one person has even noticed? You’re nothing Davies. You’re a no body, your worthless, sinning, disgusting trash and not a soul wants you. You need me”

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