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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (7) Abnormally Normal)

    Spencer gave her girl a broad, loving smirk. She had never said those to anyone in a romantic way. Not even Gabby and she was happy to say that she didn’t even have to second guess her feelings. She was two hundred percent unwavering as she verbally expressed her feelings,

    “I love you too Ashley”

    The brunet gave a toothy grin as she heard the words from the only place they mattered to her. She knew how far Blue had come in order to open up and even be able to feel. From the tears when they spoke of their childhoods to the heartache when she refused to simply talk about how she felt and the recent drama of Aiden’s sudden disappearance along with the tournament money that the blonde had won. All for those three loaded words. ‘It’s all worth it though…every single moment’

    Ok, so we’re at the JFK airport in New York looking for Ashley’s sister Kyla. Turns out they stopped talking in their sophomore year when Ashley was caught up in drugs and booze. I guess she was addicted and wouldn’t get help so Kyla stopped talking to her and when senior year rolled around she just left off to New York. Ash said she was grateful for what Kyla did, that it was a rude awakening and it pushed her to quit. She just wishes it didn’t go that far. I’m proud of her though, she did it all by herself.

    “Baby, is that her?”

    I was pointing to a short brunet that looked as if she had jumped out of the tons of pictures she had showed me. A millisecond later my arms are further stuffed with bags as my counterpart bounds off in the direction I had previously pointed in.


    She ran up to her, me clumsily following, and pulled her into a bear hug. After a moment she let her out of the vice grip and they started bouncing up and down in that oh so girly fashion and I started grinning. The ache in my arms started to dull away as I watched her. Simply seeing her happy was good enough for me.

    “Baby, is that her?”

    As soon as I realized that it was in fact Kyla I was stuffing my bags into her already stuffed arms and bolting over to where my sister stood. I would feel guilty but I’m just way to happy. I basically catapulted my self into her and gave her a bone crushing hug as tears started to make their way down my face.

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