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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (7) Abnormally Normal)

    “I missed you so much. I’m sorry; I should’ve listened to you Ky. I love you, I missed you so much”

    I was full out bawling at that point and I really didn’t care less. She just tightened her grip around me and tried to get me to stop crying.

    “Shh, its okay. Your better now and its all in the past. We’re okay now Ash”

    We stayed like that until she pulled back and started wiping the tears from my face. Suddenly her face lit up as if she was having an epiphany.

    “We have so much to catch up on…..I wanna know everything”

    Just like that we were back to being unnaturally excited. Now, I am in no way, shape or form a girly girl. To my defense I hadn’t seen this chick since senior year of high school and hadn’t talked to her two years longer than that. So I was extremely excited as we started jumping up and down in the way that only a, in lack of a better term, girly girl would when she suddenly stopped and looked over my shoulder.

    “Is that Spencer?”

    I turn around to catch Spence’s shit eating grin and I blush. I so did not need for her to see that but whatever. I untangled myself from Kyla to help her with some of the bags and then entwined our fingers as I introduced them.

    “Yup. Ky, this is Spencer, Spence, this is Kyla”

    Spence extended her arm for Kyla to shake as she gave her a nervous smile.

    “Nice to meet you”

    “You too. Ash here didn’t tell me you’re from the UK”

    “Oh…well I’m from England, London exactly”

    She was so nervous, I could tell by her voice. Her accent always became more evident if she was angry or nervous or excited. She also always does this cute thing where she tilts her head to the side and rubs the back of her neck.

    “Really? That’s so cool. I’ve always wanted to go. You know…see the great clock tower.”

    Oh no. She mentioned the clock tower. Now Spence is gunna have to pull out her wallet.

    “I’ve only been their once. I have pictures in my wallet if you wanna see”

    “Oh yea, lemme see”

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