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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (7) Abnormally Normal)

    Spence pulls out the pictures from when she was about twelve and starts to show Kyla, both their faces lighting up at the sight. I just watch as the love of my life and my little sister, instantly click. I mean, I doubt they realize I’m still standing right here.

    “ok… as much as I would love for you guys to keep up this freaky instant bonding thing you have going here…I’m jet lagged so can we please go and book the hotel room?”

    “Wait, ash you’re not staying at a hotel. I have five bedrooms each with their own bathroom. That means I have four spare and plenty of room.”

    “Ok Ky….we ca-wait”

    “What now Ash?”

    She was clearly annoyed by me. Already!  

    “Didn’t you say you had a roommate?”


    “So wouldn’t you have three extra rooms?”

    Her eyes go huge and she can’t look me in the eye any more.

    “Ummm……ugh, I’m really tired. We should go yea? Yea. Let’s go”

    She starts to walk by me but I pull her back by her wrist.

    “No Ky. Tell me what’s up”

    She just sighs and looks down.

    “You’ll see when we get there”

    “ok… as much as I would love for you guys to keep up this freaky instant bonding thing you have going here…I’m jet lagged so can we please go and book the hotel room?”

    It is so not freaky. We just share a mutual love for a particular clock tower. Go figure

    “Wait, ash you’re not staying at a hotel. I have five bedrooms each with their own bathroom. That means I have four spare and plenty of room.”

    “Ok Ky….we ca-wait”

    “What now Ash?”

    “Didn’t you say you had a roommate?”


    “So wouldn’t you have three extra rooms?”

    Kyla’s body got real tense and she gained a sudden interest in her shoes. She looks like Ashley is cornering her and she has the most precious Intel. But she won’t be the one to snitch.

    Ok….to much history channel.

    “Ummm……ugh, I’m really tired. We should go yea? Yea. Let’s go”

    Ok that’s weird. She started to walk by Ash but she pulled her back by her wrist.

    “No Ky. Tell me what’s up”

    She just sighed and looks down.

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