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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (7) Abnormally Normal)

    “You’ll see when we get there”

    “Maddy! I’m home!”

    “Sure it’s not Lucy?”

    “Shut up Spencer…that was so lame”

    I just shrugged my shoulders. Kyla and I fell into a light banter.

    “Ky, you need to tell me what’s going on now”

    Oh, and Ashley’s still freaking about how Kyla was acting at the airport.

    “Ash, babe, I’m sure she’s gunna tell you whatever it is in a sec.”

    “Ok ok”

    “I like you already Spence, I could never get her to shut up”

    Before she could get out the witty comment I’m sure she had, a Latino woman about their age with emerald green eyes and long, light brown hair walked up behind Kyla and wrapped her tan arms around her waist. She kissed Kyla on the neck before resting her chin on a shoulder and speaking.

    “Who’s this, baby?”


    T’was Ash’s only response. She could be slow sometimes it amazes me.

    “Maddy, this is my sister Ashley and her girlfriend, Spencer. Ash, Spencer, this is Madison. My girlfriend.”

    I simply leaned over and not so discreetly whispered in ash’s ear.

    “You so owe me twenty bucks”

    Earning a chuckle and two smacks to the head from the sisters.

    “You so owe me twenty bucks”

    On the ride here Spence and I were in the back and I explained that Ky’s roommate is a girl so they wouldnt be sharing a room. she said maybe your sister’s gay. I didnt belive it so I bet her twenty bucks. So now i owe her. Madison chuckled as both I and Kyla smacked Spence in the head.

    “Ow! What up with the violence?”

    I rolled my eyes as the couple in front of me’s laughter died down and Kyla looked pissed again. Avoiding the glare my sister is giving me I stuck my hand out towards the Madison girl.

    “Nice to meet you”

    “Same here”

    “Um…so how long have you been together?”


    “What? I just want to know how long my sister’s been gay”

    “We’ll talk about it later ok? The rooms are on the left side of the hall. Get some sleep. Lots of catching up tomorrow. Night”

    “Thanks Kyla, sleep well”

    “Yea, G’night”


    “Maybe she just didn’t want to tell you the most important thing about her life over the phone. She wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. Your relationship is really fragile right now. Just focus on making it solid again.”

    Its midnight now which means we’ve been here for about three hours and Ashley’s been pacing for the last twenty minutes. After a moment she plops down on the bed with me and lets out a long exaggerated sigh.

    “I know….I was just being dumb I guess.”

    “No. you’re never ‘being dumb’. You’re just on over load. Seeing your sister for the first time since high school and finding out she’s gay tends to do that”

    “Your right…lets just go to sleep now”

    She gets under the covers and lies down so that we’re facing each other lying on our sides.

    “You are so beautiful”

    I raised an eyebrow in amusement.

    “Ash, you can’t even see me. Its way too dark in here”

    “You are Spencer Carlin, correct?”

    “Uh huh”

    “Then you are beautiful”

    I blushed. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. She grasped my hand before starting to play with it.

    “I am so very much in love with you Spencer”

    And she’s been doing that a lot lately. She’s been emphasizing her love for me more so than usual, not that I’m complaining. I just find it…….sweetly unsettling. Just as the thought enters my mind Ash harshly pulls me in for a kiss. It’s not hard, or fast or demanding as you would expect from the way she pulled me. No, it’s slow, soft and loving. God she takes my breath away.

    “I love you”

    Is whispered against my lips.

    “I love you too”

    She then turns me around and wraps her arms around me so that we are spooning. It feels funny, I’m the one that usually gets to hold, not be held. I feel her body tight against my back and it feels reassuring that there’s nothing wrong, that she simply loves me and this is how she expresses it.

    “Goodnight Spence”

    “Night Ash”

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