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    King High East vs. King High West – (Chapter: How we met)

    "Whoa slow down their cutie." Ashley says to me.

    "Don’t talk to me Davies." I say to her.

    "Im just trying to help you out don’t want you to get alcohol poisoning." She says.

    "What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone?". I say

    "Dance with me." She says with a sexy smirk on her face.

    She is sexy I can’t lie about that. She has on abercrombie ripped skinny jeans and this cute button down on.

    "No there are people from east there is no way that is happening." I say.

    "Oh come on it’s really dark on the dance floor so nobody will be able to tell who is dancing with whom, and if you say no im just going to follow you the whole night and annoy you." She says.

    "Fine lets go and no touching below the waist or above just keep your hands on my waist got it?". I say to her.

    "Yes beautiful now lets go."

    I take her to the dance floor and she was right it was dark out there you couldn’t tell who was dancing with who. Lollipop was on by Lil Wayne, this is my song so I started dancing right away once we go out there. At first me and Ashley started out dancing far away from each other but as the song continued we got closer to each other.

    Shawty want a thug

    Bottles in the Club

    Shawty want to hump

    I started getting into the dance more and turned around and grinded against Ashley she put her arms around my waist and started grinding back with me we were really into the dance because I actually allowed her hands to go under my skirt and rub my thighs as we dance. We were so close that I could feel her breathe on my neck.

    Lick me like a lollipop

    She lick me like a lollipop

    As the song ended I turned around and kissed her I don’t know what was wrong me I just had to have her. At first she was surprised that I kissed her because she didn’t kiss back but when she felt my tounge on her bottom lip asking for permission in her mouth she got the gist of what was happening. We were making out heavy so we decided to take this kiss to her bedroom so we sneaked upstairs so no one would see us and went to her room. Once we got in her room we went straight to her bed. She was crawling on top and then I realized this can’t happen.

    "Wait Ash stop."

    "What, Whats wrong don’t you want to do this?"

    "I want to but I can’t for one because I have a girlfriend that I love very much and two you go to West."

    "Look I don’t care about that shit I just really want to be with you."

    "Ashley we can’t don’t you understand"

    "No I don’t because im in love with you"


    I was very surprised that she was in love with me

    "Yes im in love with you. Ive been in love with you since I first saw you at the basketball game in that cheer leading uniform."

    "Ashley I like you to but we can’t ok im sorry."

    "Can’t we just be together on the down low?"

    "I guess but we have to be very careful ok?

    "Yes anything you want baby I will do your wish is my command."

    So for the rest of the night we layed together and just talked about how we were going to be together and see each other. We made out with each other learned different things about each other that we didn’t know. She took me how like around four in the morning when everyone left. Thats how me and my love of my life met. Welcome to my life.

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    1. OMG!!!!!!!!! i know u wrote this a ehile ago but i still think that you need to post some more. i love your idea and i really like this story, please comtinue!!!! I will be sooooo greatful if you do!!!! so please pms!!

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