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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 10)

                “It’s Aiden,” she said.

                “Where is he?” I asked.

                “Out back,” she said.

                I ran into my room and put shoes on. I ran down the stairs and outside. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him.

                “Aiden?” I said softly. I knelt down next to him. “Aiden! Are you ok?”

                “I don’t think so, D,” Aiden said.

                It was getting dark so I couldn’t see him very well. “Come on,” I said trying to lift him up. “Let’s get you inside.”

                I wrapped my arm around him and draped his arm over my shoulder. All I could feel was a warm liquid.

                “D,” he said, “I can’t. I can’t go that far.”

                “What happened?” I asked.

                “I don’t know,” he said.

                “I’m taking you to the hospital,” I said. I dragged him to the car and stuffed him in the back. I ran into the house. “Kyla! Spencer!”

                “What?” They both ran into the kitchen.

                “Aiden is hurt bad,” I said. “I’m taking him to the hospital. Are you coming?”

                “Yeah,” Kyla said.
                “Of course,” Spencer said.

                We went outside and got in. I drove like crazy to the hospital.

                “Is your mom working?” I asked Spencer.

                “I think so,” Spencer said.

                “Good,” I said. “We’re going to need her.”

                I pulled up to the Emergency Room entrance. Spencer and I ran inside while Kyla sat with Aiden. Paula saw us and came over.

                “Girls,” she said, “what are you doing here? Ashley, is that blood?”

                “It’s not mine,” I said. “It’s Aiden’s. He’s in the backseat of my car. He’s not doing so well.”

                Paula got a gurney and a team and ran out to the car to get Aiden. They brought him inside and took him to a room.

                “We’ll take care of him,” Paula said. “Have a seat in the waiting room and I’ll come find you.”

                I just nodded as she ran off to help Aiden. Spencer and Kyla walked me into the waiting room. I sat in a chair, Spencer and Kyla on each side. After a little while Kyla finally spoke up.

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    1. aiden can’t die! i actually like him in this story! and ash shouldn’t go all crazy. i agree w/ wickednwise3 spence wouldn’t like it. great update. pms!

    2. i think i beat wickedwise3 woo yay i loved this update i cant beleive you stoped there and thanks for the shout out i realy love your story woo pms please :)

    3. I really hope Aiden is okay. And Ashley better not kill anyone, I don’t think Spencer would like that. Can’t wait for more. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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