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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 10)

                “Ash,” she said, “do you want anything?”

                “No,” I said. I was just staring at the wall.

                “Ashley?” I heard someone say. I looked up and it was Paula.

                “Is he ok?” I asked standing up.

                “We’re still working on him,” Paula said. “Do you know what happened?”

                “No,” I said. “I wasn’t there. He wouldn’t tell me anything. He said he didn’t know. Why? What’s wrong?”

                “Well,” Paula sighed, “he has multiple gunshot wounds. Four to be exact. Only one is proving to be a problem.”

                “Where was he hit?” I asked.

                “Let’s see,” she said. “The right thigh, left shoulder, right forearm, and the abdomen.”

                “Is he going to be ok?” I asked.

                “We’re doing everything we can,” she said. “I need to get back but I will let you know more as soon as I know anything.”

                “Thank you,” I said. I sat back down as she walked off. I leaned forward putting my head in my hands.

                “He’ll be ok,” Kyla said.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “He’s a fighter. He’ll be fine.”

                “Did you grab my phone?” I asked Spencer.

                “No I didn’t see it,” she said.

                “Do you have yours?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she said.

                “Can I use it?” I asked. I was restlessly shaking my leg.

                “Sure,” she said. She got it out and handed it to me.

                “I’ll be right back,” I said standing up and walking outside. I dialed Tommy’s number.

                “Yeah,” Tommy said answering the phone.

                “Tommy,” I said. “It’s D.”

                “What up?” he said.

                “We got problems,” I said. “Big problems.”

                “What?” he asked.

                “It’s Aiden,” I said. “He’s been shot.”

                “Are you serious?” he asked. “Is he ok?”

                “I don’t know,” I said. “I just got an update from the doc. They said he has four gunshot wounds. One of them is pretty bad.”

                “How did this happen?” he asked.

                “I don’t know,” I said. “He wouldn’t tell me anything. That’s why I’m calling you. You need to find out for me.”

                “Ok,” he said. “I’ll see what I can find out.”

                “Once I find out who did it,” I said. “I’m going to kill them. I hope you know that.”

                “I know,” he said. “You shouldn’t do that though.”

                “Tommy,” I said. “Aiden is practically my brother. I can’t just sit around.”

                “I know, D,” he said. “Just gimme some time and we’ll figure this out.”

                “Ok,” I said. “Try me on my phone first. If I don’t answer, call this number.”

                “Aight,” he said. “Stay cool and call me if you find anything else out.”

                I hung up and went back inside. I sat down and handed Spencer her phone back. “I might be getting some calls on your phone,” I said. “Is that ok?”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “That’s fine.”

                I just nodded and forced a small, fake smile. She kissed my temple and rubbed my back. I leaned towards her and she hugged me tightly. A few hours later, Paula walked back out. I stood up and walked over to her.

                “How is he?” I asked. I heard Spencer and Kyla get up and come behind me.

                “Well,” Paula sighed. “We worked really hard for a long time. We got all of the bullets removed but there was significant damage to his abdomen. There was a lot of bleeding and some damage to some organs.”

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    1. aiden can’t die! i actually like him in this story! and ash shouldn’t go all crazy. i agree w/ wickednwise3 spence wouldn’t like it. great update. pms!

    2. i think i beat wickedwise3 woo yay i loved this update i cant beleive you stoped there and thanks for the shout out i realy love your story woo pms please :)

    3. I really hope Aiden is okay. And Ashley better not kill anyone, I don’t think Spencer would like that. Can’t wait for more. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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