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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 2)

                Madison walked up and got in my face. “You would huh?” she said.

                “Oh yeah,” I said.

                That’s when she decided to push me. I stumbled over a bench. She stood there laughing. That’s when I lost it. I jumped up and rushed her. I tackled her to the ground. I grabbed her by the hair and punched her in the face five, six, seven times. I slammed her head against the lockers and kicked her in the stomach four or five times. I leaned down to her. “The Knights of Rage send their love,” I whispered in her ear. I walked out of the locker room and to the bathroom. I got my phone out.

                “Jason,” I said. “Hey it’s D.”

                “What up?” Jason said.

                “Just wanted to let you know that I took care of Madison,” I said.

                “Aight,” he said. “What about Carlin?”

                “I don’t know yet,” I said. “I’ll talk to Aiden and find out.”

                “Aight,” he said. “Just let me know how things go.”

                “Alright,” I said. “Peace.”

                I hung up the phone and waited for the bell to ring. After the bell rang, I ran to find Aiden.

                “What’s up D?” he asked as I ran up to him.

                “Have you taken care of Carlin yet?” I asked.

                “Not yet,” he said. “I’m going to at lunch.”

                “Ok,” I said. “I called Jason and told him I took care of Madison. He told me to let him know when you took care of Carlin.”

                “I’ll get him at lunch,” he said.

                “Aight,” I said. “Try not to get in trouble.”

                “I’ll try,” he laughed.

                I ran off to class. After lunch, I found Aiden.

                “Well?” I asked.

                “It’s done,” he said.

                “Are you ok?” I asked. I looked him over and he had a bloody lip and bloody knuckles.

                “Yeah,” he said. “Carlin isn’t though. He’s messed up.”

                “Good,” I said. “Remind me to call Jason after school.”

                “Ok,” he said. “Get to class before you’re late again.”

                “Ok mom,” I said pushing him.

                We got through the rest of the day without getting in trouble. We got home and called Jason. He called another meeting for tonight. Now I’m just worried about retaliation.

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    1. yo yo ive spent the day catching up on all of your stories they were great all of them so please continue this and im thinking sequal for the one you ended before it was seriously good we readers like to see there troubles out of high school

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