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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 4)

                We got to my car and got in. “You wanna grab a bite to eat?” I asked. “I’m starving.”

                “Sure,” Spencer said.

                “Awesome,” I said. I started driving to a little diner I go to all the time.

                “So now it’s your turn to tell me all about Ashley,” she smiled after we got our food ordered.

                “Ok,” I smiled. “Obviously I’m Ashley. My some of my friends call me D but you can call me whatever you want. I live with my sister, Kyla, and my friend, Aiden. My dad died a few years ago and left Kyla and me our house and some money. My mom left years ago. She was a total bitch anyway. I’m 18. I pretty much like doing the same things you do. Shopping isn’t up there on the list though.”

                “Well we can change that,” she smiled. Our food came and ate and talked. The bill came and I reached for it. Spencer grabbed it first. “It’s on me. Consider it a thank you for saving my life.”

                “Well if it gets me free food, I’ll save you every day,” I smiled.

                “That’s fine with me,” she smiled.

                “Are you ready to go?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she said.

                Spencer paid the bill and we walked out to my car.

                “I should probably get you home,” I said. “My sister is probably starting to worry.”

                “Oh ok,” Spencer said looking disappointed.

                “What’s wrong?” I asked as I drove off.

                “Oh nothing,” she said.

                “Where do you live?” I asked.

                “Do you know where the Beckham Skate Park is?” she asked.

                “Yeah,” I said.

                “I’m just a few blocks from there,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. It was kind of quiet the way there. “Now where?”

                “Take a left and go up a few blocks,” she said. “It’s the brick house on the right.”

                I pulled up in front of her house. “Here we are,” I said.

                “Thanks for the ride,” she said as she started getting out of the car.

                “Spencer wait,” I said.

                “What?” she asked looking at me with disappointment and a hint of sadness on her face.

                “What are you doing later tonight?” I asked.

                “Probably just sitting around the house,” she said. “Why?”

                “Do you wanna catch a movie?” I asked.

                “Sure,” she said as a smile crept back onto her face.

                “Sweet,” I said smiling. “Give me your number then.”

                We exchanged numbers.

                “Just call me in a little while and let me know what time,” she smiled.

                “I will,” I smiled. “Talk to you soon.”

                “I can’t wait,” she said as she got out of the car. She waved as she walked inside the house. I smiled and drove off.

                “Spencer!” was the first thing Spencer heard when she walked inside. Her smile quickly faded.

                “What is it Glen?” she asked.

                “What the hell are you doing with her?” Glen asked.

                “Ashley?” she said. “She saved my life today. I could have been shot. She was just giving me a ride home.”

                “It looked like more than that to me,” he said.

                “It’s too early to tell but it could be,” she smiled.

                “You can’t see her,” he said. “I forbid it.”

                “Why?” she asked. “You can’t forbid me from seeing anyone.”

                “She is the one responsible for what happened to Madison the other day,” he said. “And her friend did this to me. She is in a gang, Spencer. You can’t be seen with her ever again.”

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    1. okay so i just got my computer back and decided to catch up i cant wait for the sequel to face don and this was a great post.spencer is so not gonna listen shes already hooked on ashley well pms please :)

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