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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 5)

                “Yeah,” I smiled. “Sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts there for a second.”

                “Don’t worry about it,” she smiled. “So how about we get out of here before I get caught with you.”

                “Ok,” I laughed. “Don’t want you getting in trouble.”

                We got up and walked to the car. I started driving.

                “Where are we going?” Spencer asked.

                “I don’t know,” I said. “I was just going to ask you what you wanted to do. The movie doesn’t start until 8.”

                “So that leaves us two hours,” she said. “I don’t care what we do, as long as I’m with you.”

                “You’re so sweet,” I said looking at her and smiling.

                “I can’t help it,” she smiled. “Hey, let’s go to the beach.”

                “Ok,” I said. I headed to the beach. “I’m always up for the beach.”

                I pulled up to the beach and parked. We got out and started walking.

                “Can you give me a piggy back ride?” Spencer asked.

                “What?” I said laughing a little.

                “Give me a piggy back ride,” she said. “Please.”

                “Ok fine,” I said. I turned my back toward her and crouched down. She jumped on and held on tightly. I smiled. It feels so good to have her arms around me. I grabbed onto her legs and started walking.

                “Am I too heavy for you?” she asked.

                “Nah,” I said. “You’re good. Just don’t choke me.”

                “I won’t do that,” she said. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”

                I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say. This girl has me all kinds of crazy.

                “D!” I heard someone yell. I looked around and saw Tommy coming towards us.

                “Spence,” I said letting go of her legs, “get down for a sec. I have to talk to someone real quick.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said getting down.

                “Stay right here,” I said. “I’ll be right back.”

                She just nodded as I ran over to Tommy.

                “What’s up, T?” I asked.

                “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a while,” he said. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”


    1. I wonder if Glen realized by putting an hit on Ashley he’s putting Spencer in danger. Also if Ashley get’s a new car won’t Glen or Madison see it at school.Great Update.

    2. I really love this story and I agree about the whole rating thing. if you like writing it then keep reading it. now that I’m caught up on it I will def be reading any new posts on it. and I’m about to head off and read your other stories too. so please pms.

    3. You really shouldn’t worry about your ratings. Not everyone who reads can rate and some peoople just forget to rate. Write for yourself, no one else. If you enjoy writing it then there will be people who enjoy reading it. I myself am one of those people, so please continue this story. Awesome update, but don’t let it be the last. PMASAP!!!

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