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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 5)

                “You got it,” I said. Kyla shut the door and I dropped my head into my hands. “I’m sorry about that Spencer. They don’t really know how to knock around here.”

                “It’s ok,” Spencer said. “It’s the same way at my house.”

                “Good to know,” I smiled.

                We sat there for a while just talking, both of us too embarrassed to try anything again. The pizza came and we all ate. Spencer and I watched a couple more movies before we got tired. Once the last one got over, we both stood up and stretched.

                “I’ll get you some clothes to change into and you can go ahead and have my bed,” I said. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

                “Are you sure?” Spencer asked. “I mean it is your house and your bed.”

                “Its fine,” I smiled. “I don’t mind.”

                We both changed into pajamas. I laid on the couch and Spencer got into bed. I laid there for a little while and couldn’t fall asleep.

                “Ash?” Spencer whispered.

                “Yeah?” I said softly.

                “Are you sleeping?” she asked.

                “No not yet,” I said.

                “I have an odd request,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. “What is it?”

                “Well,” she said, “whenever I stay somewhere new, I always have a hard time falling asleep. The only way I can sleep is if someone is in the bed with me. So can you please sleep with me?”

                “Gosh Spence,” I said. “I don’t know. I mean I like you and all but I just met you.”

                “You’re such a perv,” she laughed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

                “I know,” I said sitting up. I walked over to the bed and climbed in. “Is that better?”

                “Yeah,” she smiled.

                Spencer rolled onto her side so we were facing each other. I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes. I pushed a strand of hair out of her face and traced my finger along her cheek. I finally got the courage up again to kiss her. I rested my hand on her cheek and leaned in slowly. When our lips finally met, I felt a spark. I know she felt it too. I’ve never felt that when I’ve kissed someone. The kiss started off soft and sensual. Then I felt Spencer’s tongue tracing my bottom lip. I parted my lips slightly and things got really heated, really fast. Hands started roaming each other. After a little while, Spencer pulled away.

                “Whoa,” she said breathlessly. “Let’s not get too carried away here. I wanna take things slow.”

                “Ok,” I smiled. “We can do slow.”

                Spencer smiled that sweet smile I couldn’t get enough of. “Let’s get some sleep,” she said. “You’re going to need some energy to meet my parents tomorrow.”

                “Yay,” I said sarcastically. “I can’t wait.”

                “Oh come on,” she said. “They aren’t that horrible.”

                “I’m just not that good with parents,” I said. “I mean I am in a gang and all.”

                “I know,” she said. “But you’ll be fine. They’ll love you.”

                “I sure hope so,” I said.

                “Trust me,” she smiled. She kissed me softly then rolled over. “Goodnight.”

                “Goodnight,” I said. I scooted closer and draped my arm around Spencer’s waist. I pulled her close to me. I smiled when I felt her snuggle into me. I kissed her shoulder and whispered, “Sweet dreams my dear.”

                We fell asleep quickly. That night, I had the best night’s sleep I’d ever had.


    1. I wonder if Glen realized by putting an hit on Ashley he’s putting Spencer in danger. Also if Ashley get’s a new car won’t Glen or Madison see it at school.Great Update.

    2. I really love this story and I agree about the whole rating thing. if you like writing it then keep reading it. now that I’m caught up on it I will def be reading any new posts on it. and I’m about to head off and read your other stories too. so please pms.

    3. You really shouldn’t worry about your ratings. Not everyone who reads can rate and some peoople just forget to rate. Write for yourself, no one else. If you enjoy writing it then there will be people who enjoy reading it. I myself am one of those people, so please continue this story. Awesome update, but don’t let it be the last. PMASAP!!!

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