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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 6)

                “What’s wrong?” she asked.

                “Nothing,” I said. “Remember what you said last night? About taking it slow?”

                “Yeah,” she said.

                “I just don’t want to rush it,” I said. “I don’t want you doing something you’ll regret later.”

                “I won’t regret it,” she said looking up at me. “I would never regret doing anything with you.”

                “I still don’t want to rush it,” I said.

                “Ok,” she smiled.

                “Now get up,” I said crawling off of her. “We have to get dressed and get ready to go.”

                “Ok babe,” she said. She got up and sat on the edge of the bed. “But I don’t have clothes.”

                “You can either borrow some of mine or Kyla’s,” I said. I changed into jeans and a t-shirt. Spencer rifled through my closet until she found something to wear. “Ready?”

                “Yeah,” she said putting on her shoes.

                “Let’s go,” I said. She held out her hand to me and I grabbed it. We walked downstairs and I told Kyla and Aiden we were leaving. Spencer and I walked out to the car.

                “Where are we headed first?” Spencer asked.

                “To the dealership,” I said. “You get to help me pick out a new car.”

                “Yay,” she smiled.

                We got to the dealership and started looking around.

                “Hi,” a salesman said walking up to us, “can I help you?”

                “I’m looking for a new car,” I said.

                “You came to the right place,” he said. “What are you looking for? I’m Chris by the way.”

                “Hi Chris,” I said. “I’m Ashley. I’m looking for some type of SUV. I have a Range Rover right now and I want something different.”

                “Ok,” he said. “Well we have this Ford Explorer here.”

                “I want something bigger and badder,” I smiled.

                “Ok,” he said. “Well if you follow me I can show you those.”

                Spencer took my hand as we followed Chris. “Get something with a big backseat,” she whispered. I smiled.

                “Ok so here is a Hummer H3,” Chris said. “We also have it in red and black.”

                “I like that,” I said. I looked around inside and out. “That’s definitely on the list. What else do you have?”

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    1. Yay! I’m so glad you kept this one round. And who knew I could have inspirational words? Well thank you for this I really like your story. I can’t wait for more. Fantastic update. PMASAP!!!

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