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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 8)

                “My parents want to talk to you,” she said.

                “Again?” I asked.

                “About you know what,” she said.

                “Oh,” I said looking down. Now I was really freaking out.

                “It’ll be ok,” she said taking my hand. “They seemed pretty ok when I was telling them about it. They were just curious and wanted some more information.”

                “I can’t do this,” I said turning around to leave.

                “Ash,” she said grabbing my arm. “I promise everything will be ok.”

                I stood there with my back to her. I just dropped my head. “But what if it’s not?” I whispered.

                Spencer walked to the front of me and lifted my chin up with a finger. “Listen,” she said, “it’s going to be fine. My parents like you a lot. They told me so. So all you have to do is be honest with them and things should be fine.”

                “Promise?” I said.

                “I promise,” she smiled sweetly. I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s what I wanna see. Now come on, let’s get inside and get this over with.”

                Spencer took my hand and led me inside. We walked back to the kitchen.

                “Ashley,” Paula said, “it’s good to see you again.”

                “You too Mrs. Carlin,” I said.

                “Do you mind if your mother and I have a few minutes alone to talk to Ashley, honey?” Arthur asked Spencer.

                “Ok dad,” she said. She kissed my cheek. “I’ll be up in my room.”

                I nodded as she walked out of the kitchen.

                “Have a seat,” Arthur smiled. I hopped on one of the tall chairs and played with my hands nervously. “Are you ok?”

                “Yes sir,” I said. “I’m just a little nervous.”

                “Are we really that scary?” Paula asked.

                “No ma’am,” I said. “Well actually a little. I just haven’t had very good luck with parents in the past.”

                “Spencer has told us a lot about you,” Paula said. “We just wanted to get to know you a little bit better. She really likes you.”

                I smiled. “I really like her too,” I said.

                “We can tell,” Arthur said. “So tell us about this gang.”


    1. great update! I really like this story! and may I add I´m addicted to it!! LOL of course Ash got to her a little bit… Spence just told her she´s smokin HOT! ^^

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