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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 8)

                “Glen is just an ass,” she said. “He goes around looking for fights.”

                “He’s gonna get one if he doesn’t shut the hell up,” I said.

                “You can’t have someone beat him up,” she said.

                “This is his one free pass,” I said. “If he does it again, he’s gonna get his ass kicked.”

                “Ok,” she said.

                We got to my house and went to my room. “I’m going to work out for a while,” I said. “You can come with or hang out in here.”

                She just nodded. I changed into a sports bra and shorts and headed to the gym, which was just down the hall. I got on the treadmill and ran for a while. Spencer walked in just as I was taping up my hands for the punching bag. I went to town on the damn thing. I beat the hell out of it. I went until I couldn’t feel my arms anymore. I walked over and say next to Spencer.

                “Feel better now?” she asked.

                “Yeah,” I said still breathing heavily. “I’m really sorry about earlier.”

                “It’s ok,” she said. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

                “I just really didn’t want you to ever see me like that,” I said.

                “Now I know what to expect,” she said. She reached for my hand. “Oh god. Your hand.”

                “What?” I said looking down at it.

                “It’s bleeding,” she said touching the back slightly.

                “Oh,” I said. “It’s no big deal.”

                “Does it hurt?” she asked.

                “No,” I said. “The adrenaline is still kicking so I can’t really feel it.”

                “Come on,” she said, “let’s get you cleaned up.”

                She took my hand and led me to the bathroom. She took the tape off and cleaned off my hands.

                “You don’t have to do this,” I said. “I can take care of it.”

                “It’s ok,” she said. She got done and kissed the backs of both hands. “There. All better.”

                “You’re too cute,” I said.

                “I know,” she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her softly. “You should have done that in front of Glen. He would have flipped.”

                “Yeah,” I said. “But then I would have had to kick his ass. I didn’t want you to see me get that mad and I definitely don’t want you to see me fight.”

                “Why?” she asked.

                “It’s not pretty,” I said.

                “Oh,” she said.

                “You know what?” I said.

                “No what?” she asked.

                “Whenever I would get in a fight or someone would piss me off,” I said, “it took hours to calm me down. Sometimes even a whole day. But because of you, I was ok in under an hour.”

                “I’m good,” she smiled.

                “Yeah,” I said. “You really are.”

                I hugged her and kissed her again. “As much as I love that,” she said, “you’re all sweaty and disgusting. It’s grossing me out a little. Take a shower.”

                “Grossing you out a little?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she said. “A little.”

                “Then what if I do this?” I asked. I started wiping my forehead on her arm and all over her.

                “Ashley!” she shouted. “Stop it.”

                “What?” I asked.

                “That’s gross,” she said running away. I chased after her. She ran into my room. I tackled her onto my bed. I wiped my face all over her cheeks and neck. “You’re disgusting.”

                I laughed. “Come on it’s not that bad,” I said.

                “Oh yes it is,” she said.

                “Whatever,” I said. I leaned down and kissed her softly. “I’m going to go take a shower to make someone happy.”

                “Thank you,” she said. I climbed off the bed. She sat up on her elbows. “Ash.”

                “Yeah?” I said turning around.

                “You should wear stuff like that more often,” she said. “You look really hot.”

                “You think?” I said.

                “Oh yeah,” she said biting her bottom lip slightly.

                I walked back over and leaned in. “You should see me naked then,” I whispered. I backed away from the bed and walked to the bathroom. Spencer fell back on the bed. I could tell that I got to her a little bit.


    1. great update! I really like this story! and may I add I´m addicted to it!! LOL of course Ash got to her a little bit… Spence just told her she´s smokin HOT! ^^

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