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    Kyla's Sis has got it goin' on – (Chapter: Green is the Color of my Envy.)

    "CGLL," Kyla explained, "is Confused Girl Loves Lesbian. Duh, and it doesn’t matter where I got these, just put them on." Tegan shrugged but pushed Kyla’s hand away and shook her head when the shorter girl started to pull out fake mustaches.

    "Too much, "Tegan said.

    "What’s up with the sunglasses, you two?" Spencer asked them. Kyla told Spencer of Erin and her crush on Ryan and their plan to get the fifteen-year-olds together.

    "Sorry Spencer, I wish I had another pair of sunglasses, but I only have two," Kyla  apologized, wanting Spencer in on their "genius"  plan.

    "No, "Spencer reassured her,  "I think I’ll just hang out with Ash." Kyla nodded and turned to Erin, starting the mission finally.

    "You guys look ridiculous!" Erin exclaimed, embarassed in front of Ryan, who wasn’t even looking, or, at least, trying not to look.

    "Shut up, what shoe size do you wear?" Kyla asked her.

    "Seven, why?" Erin asked her suspiciously.

    "Just go to the table, we’ll get your shoes for you," Kyla pushed her away and turned to the girl in front of her.

    "So, Ryan?" Kyla asked nonchalantly, looking at her nails. Ryan looked at her, then looked at Tegan, who turned away, just as weirded out by her girlfriend’s strange antics.

    "Yeah? Eight, please." She answered Kyla, then asked for her shoes. She grabbed them and stepped aside for Kyla to get her shoes, looking at her with narrow eyes.

    "How do you and Erin know each other? How did you meet?" She pressed.

    "We work together," She answered slowly.

    "Uh, two sixes please," Kyla asked for her shoes and Erin’s. Purposely getting the wrong size for the younger girl. "Are you seeing anyone?"

    "That’s a very personal question," Ryan stated, "but no, not right now." Kyla took a mental note and headed over to the table where everyone was setting up, while Tegan went to go grab bowling balls for them.

    "Hey everyone!" A voice shouted. Everyone turned to see who it was. Sam. Not only Sam, but Carmen in tow. Spencer’s jaw dropped and Ashley felt a small surge of jealousy course through her at the sight of the girl.

    "Did you invite them?" Spencer angrily whispered to Luke. He nodded his head.

    "Yeah, I thought you missed Sam, so I invited her and she asked if it would be okay to bring Carmen, and I, kinda sorta said yeah,"he said, awaiting a hit in the arm, which was given to him by Spencer and Scarlett.

    "Sor-REE," Luke mumbled to himself.

    Spencer brought Ashley over to Carmen and Sam, and nervously introduced them.

    "Ashley, this is Sam, Sam, this is Ashley, my girlfriend," Ashley and Sam shook hands an smiled at each other politely, "and this is Carmen, Carmen this is Ashley," Ashley and Carmen shook hands, they squeezed each other’s hands a little harder than necessary though, this went unnoticed by Spencer and Sam, who were off in their own little world.


    A confused girl crushing on her gay friend.

    Two girlfriends trying to hook them up.

    A girl dating her best friend’s ex-girlfriend.

    All together at one bowling alley.

    Won’t this be fun?





    What did you think? R&R. Comments are love, dollface. 





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    1. all I can think of is there will be more than bowling balls being thrown around! great update, kyla is hysterical. can’t wait to see how this all goes down! pms!

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