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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Anybody Home?)

    Spencer smiled at the thought of Ashley once again "Yeah.. it is"

    Spencer finally walks up the steps to her room.

    Paula looks at Arthur with a weird concerned look.

    "Arthur why was she smiling so much." she spat 

    "Well she made a friend on the first day.. I’d be smiling too."

    "Yeah, I guess so.." and with that Paula walks away into the kitchen.


    Spencer is looking at the number on her hand. She can still remember how soft Ashleys hands were when she was holding hers writing down the number. She decides to call Ashley.

    The phone starts ringing


    Spencer brightened at the sound of her voice "Hey Ash, it’s Spencer"

    "Heeeyy Spence! How’d things go at home?"

    "Actually… pretty good. My brother Clay saw me leaving school today and covered for me."

    "Oh that was nice of him."

    "Well i just wanted to call and tell you that I guess I’m gonna go to bed now." Spencer said hoping for Ashley to stop her 

    "WAIT! ummm"

    "What is it? Spencer laughed as things seemed to be going her way

    "Umm I can’t sleep."

    "Then you should probably close your eyes haha" Spencer said jokingly

    "Hey haha i don’t know. I just have a lot on my mind."

    Finally spencer stops teasing Ashley, "Well i’m willing to listen if you wanna talk about it." 

    Ashley is happy. Someone actually wants to hear what she has to say for once, and its not her shrink. Ashley and Spencer are on the phone all night talking about everything and anything. It’s around 1:00 AM now. Paula is up for some reason. She walks by Spencers room and hears her laughing.


    Spencer gets quiet suddenly. 

    "Everything ok?" Ashley says

    "Shhh!" Spencer says in a yelling whisper

    Paula talks through the closed door, "Spencer are you awake? You have school tomorrow"

    Spencer keeps as quiet as possible and waits for her mother to leave.

    Spencer still whispering, "Ash i have to go my mother is being a psycho."

    "Haha ok Spencer it’s alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then, goodnight"

    "Night Ash" she says gingerly 

    "Oh and Spencer.."

    Spencer almost hangs up but catches herself, "Yeah?"

    "Thanks for listening to me, it really means alot."  

    "No prob Ash, see you tomorrow"

    "Ok Spence, tomorrow." Ashley says in a sexy voice sending chills down Spencers legs 

    Spencer hangs up the phone and can’t stop smiling she just keeps thinking about her day with Ashley and drifts off to sleep.

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