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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Echo)

    Lunch is starting and Spencer is looking around for Ashley for what seems like forever. She finally spots her sitting at a bench alone. 

    "Hey Ash, haven’t seen you since this morning."

    Ashley just sits there silent playing with the rings on her fingers. Spencer sits down next to her. Ashley breaks the silence with a sigh

    "Yeah, well you did kinda run off this morning." Ashley says as she turns to face Spencer. "I didn’t run off.. we do have class you know"

    "Yeah… So how’s your day been?" Ashley brushes off the fact that she’s upset, after all she brought it upon herself. 

    "Pretty good actually but I need to talk to you about something."


    Ashley gets up, "Meet me at my car afterschool." she says as she gathers her things together. Spencer replies "Ok" and gets up as well and gathers her things as well. Ashley walks away, but suddenly turns around and walks back over to Spencer and hugs her tight.

    The blonde smiles as she lets go of the hug slowly. "What was that for?"

    Ashley just smiles and walks away again, giving Spencer a wink.


    Paula calls Arthur

    "Hey Paula" Arthur says already knowing who was calling from looking at his caller ID. 

    "Hey honey, i’m going to be off work early today around 4:00 so i’ll start dinner tonight ok?"

    "Ok that’s fine, i’ll be home around 5 or so as usual. It’ll be nice to eat some of your cooking for once." 

    "It’ll be a nice surprise for the kids." and with that Paula says her goodbyes and hangs up with her husband. 

    It’s afterschool now and Spencer is waiting by Ashleys car. Ashley finally emerges from the crowd of people leaving school. "Hey" she says as she goes through her purse searching for her keys.

    "I’m ready for my ride home Miss Daives" Spencer crosses her arms and tilts her chin up with a serious look on her face. "You can open thy door now driver" Ashley laughs at Spencers high-class status and opens the door bowing down as Spencer gets in.

    "Haha well alright let’s go madam" Ashley walks over to the drivers side of the car and gets in, and begins driving to Spencers house.

    In the car it’s silent, besides the sounds from the road and cars whistling "Hey, do you wanna maybe.. i don’t know… stay over for a bit." Ashley smiles, "You sure it’s ok with your parents?" Spencer thinks for a bit but answers her back, "It’s fine, my dad always comes home first anyway and he’s ok with us having friends over anytime." The brunette couldnt resist asking, "And your mother?"

    Spencer turns and looks at Ashley "She gets home late" she says with a smile. Ashley turns and gives Spencer a smile, "Sounds good to me then."

    When they arrive they have the house to themselves since Glen has basketball practice and Clay is with his friends.

    Ashley runs up the stairs "I finally get to see your room!" Spencer laughs, "It’s a great place, let me tell you. Clothes hanging off of lamps, shoes all over the floor. It’s magical!" They both start laughing as they walk in

    Spencer sits down at the computer and Ashley jumps straight on the bed "Hey Carlin this bed is comfortable.. everything is so soft, especially these… PILLOWS!" Ashley throws a pillow at Spencer.

    She gets up from her chair and jumps on the bed engaging in probably the sexiest pillow fight ever,

    "You’re going down Davies!"

    "More like you’re going down!" Ashley grabs Spencers wrists and pushes her down on the bed. She’s hovering over her smiling. "Hmm i think i’m winning this battle" Spencer looks up at the girl ontop of her, "This is the sexiest battle i’ve ever been in" They two just lay there staring into each others eyes, getting lost through smiles and the scents on their skin from perfume.


    "Ahhh! whos home??" Ashley says as she loosens the grip on Spencers wrist. "Its probably just my dad, don’t worry."

    "Ok fine" Ashley says as she pushes Spencer back down on the bed 

    Paula calls out from the end of the steps after hearing laughing coming from the upstairs

    "Spencer?! Is that you upstairs?" Spencer is frozen and so is Ashley

    "Ummm Spence that didn’t sound like your dad…" Spencer looks at Ashley worried.

    Paula begins walking up the stairs.


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