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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Things Go Bump In The Night)

    "Aiden, right?"




    Should Spencer tell her the truth? It would just hurt Ashley, and that isn’t what she needs right now..


    "No, its just my mom is freaking out as usual. I’ll just see you tomorrow at school ok?"


    "Alright Spence, good night"


    "Night" the line goes dead. 


    Spencer goes back to Aiden


    "Hey Aiden"


    Aiden is laughing, "Spencer i gotta go"


    "Oh? What for?"


    "Well Madison just called.." Spencer cuts him off. "Oh….."


    Spencer completely forgot about Madison. Aiden was taken, and he’s still trying to get with her. Maybe hanging up on Ashley wasn’t the best thing to do. It’s too late to call back, she would be caught in her lie.


    "Yeah, im sorry… later!" and once again the line goes dead on Spencer. 


    She just falls asleep after that. But is awakened by a knock at her window. She stumbles out of bed and opens the window. A slender figure stands below her, but is covered by the darkness of the night 


    "Who’s there?!"


    "Spencer it’s me Ashley"


    "Ash?? What are you doing here? Why didn’t you call?"


    "This seemed more romantic." Ashley says as she walks closer to the window, exposing her face due to the light coming from Spencers window. 


    "Haha you got that right but why are you being romantic"


    "I want to take you somewhere." she smiles. 


    Spencer is confused. Ash should be mad that she hung up on her. But by now she should know Ashley has some pretty mixed emotions and takes the oppotunity to be with her.


    Ashley signals for her to come downstairs. "Get dressed and come down here, i’ll be in my car waiting"


    "Ok" Spencer smiles, "be right down."


    Spencer gets dressed and heads downstairs and jumps into Ashleys car.


    "Now please tell me where we are going, you’re spontanious self is scaring me haha" Spencer says as she buckles her seat belt and arranges the seat to her liking.

    Ashley looks over at Spencer with a beautiful smile. "Hmmm you’ll see!" and with that she starts the car and begins driving. 

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