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    Let the Flames Begin – (Chapter: Off My Meds)


    “I’ll catch you, I promise.”

    The way she says it is what convinces you. You feel the truth in her words. If it’s one thing you’re mother taught you its that words are nothing compared to the tone, and the movements. You know by the inflection and by how she stares up at you with compassion that she means it. That she’ll try her best to catch you as you fall… both literally and figuratively.


    You’ve never been that shy girl, but somehow she turns you into that. When you’re around her, in her presence something about her dominant vibe turns you back into the small town girl you once were.


    You swing your legs over the balcony, one after the other. In no time at all you holding onto the thin railing, looking down at the brunette below.


    She smiles that smile, the one that makes you week in the knees.


    “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”


    You look down again, its not really that big of a jump. Maybe a little over ten feet, but you know ten feet is enough. Enough to do damage, landing at the wrong angle could mean a broken ankle, falling in an awkward position could cost you the use of your wrists.


    Do you really want to do this?


    You take a deep breath and go for it, because you know this act will pay off. Taking this chance is worth the risk because you’ll be with her. The girl you not so secretly adore.


    She tries, tries so hard to follow through with her promise. Of course she doesn’t catch you, but it’s not for a lack of trying. Instead of landing on your feet like you intended, you land on top of her. Sending her to the ground with a grunt.


    Your both laughing, realizing how stupid the idea was, knowing gravity wasn’t in your favor.


    “Off.” She says in a commanding yet playful tone.



    You enjoy losing yourself in the early memories. The beginning was the best, the beginning is when doors were opened, when things really were innocent.


    The girl next to you coughs, and your back. Away from that time, here in this place, with this girl. This girl whose eyes are drowning you with pity. She pities you. You’re tempted to think that’s why she’s here, why she’s been here for so long, why she hasn’t given up like everyone else has.

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    1. i love this story but i have a hard time reading it because i can totally relate to it..and its bringing up my emotions lol..but that just means youre awesome at writing!

    2. I just began reading this and “Misery Business” today, though I’ve been a fan of “Practice” since its first posting. You are becoming one of my favorite FanFic writers! All of your stories are unique and completely different… PLEASE, keep writing, on any of them!!

    3. i love this story but i have a hard time reading it because i can totally relate to it..and its bringing up my emotions lol..but that just means youre awesome at writing!

    4. I just began reading this and “Misery Business” today, though I’ve been a fan of “Practice” since its first posting. You are becoming one of my favorite FanFic writers! All of your stories are unique and completely different… PLEASE, keep writing, on any of them!!

    5. It certainly is painful to witness the pain of loss Spencer is reliving. I’m hoping that Ashley isn’t dead, but has moved to another state…but I guess I will see! You still have my undivided attention. PMS

    6. It certainly is painful to witness the pain of loss Spencer is reliving. I’m hoping that Ashley isn’t dead, but has moved to another state…but I guess I will see! You still have my undivided attention. PMS

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