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    Let the Flames Begin – (Chapter: Off My Meds)


    Although you haven’t made an attempt to really get to know her you do know she is very family orientated. Family is the most important to her. You think she looks at you as some charity case because your estranged from yours. Because yours never call just to talk, only for the simple Merry Christmas, the Happy Birthday, or your personal favorite the are you still taking your meds?


    No, your not on your meds. You stopped taking them months ago. Of course you haven’t let your therapist in on this little unknown fact. So when you go for your daily therapy session you have to play that game, the one you play so well. Smiling and pretending your doing more than getting drunk everyday.


    You’ve considered taking your medication again, in some ways you think its better than drowning yourself in your sorrow. But you won’t because you hate the false happiness the pills give you. You hate that the pills create this upbeat smiling person, but don’t actually rid you of your pain.


    The girl cough again, and your mind is back to her, to why she is still here with you, willingly sitting in this silence. It must be pity, you think again. But you know that isn’t true. You know why she’s here, in this car. Curiosity.


    She watches you there, in the house you share with Kyla. Barely ever talking, certainly not making any type of attempt to socialize with any of the people the girl brings around. Jess, the girl occupying the passenger seat of your car, is curious about this… How could a human being become this way? How could someone completely shut themselves off emotionally?


    You don’t like that, granted there aren’t many things you do like, but this is one of the things you can’t stand. Other people’s curiosity. That’s why it took a court order to get you into therapy, and that’s why you still haven’t moved on.


    So tonight for your sake, you’ll talk, take her back into the past with you. Your therapist tells you that if you just let it out, speak about the past and the hardships, slowly, it will begin to fade, until its no longer a bolder your shoulders.


    You hope this is true, because when the girl asks your more about the past you’ll tell her, in detail. You’ll include everything your memory can recall, every small unimportant detail your mind call summon. You may not know much, but you do know one thing, detail is everything.

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    1. i love this story but i have a hard time reading it because i can totally relate to it..and its bringing up my emotions lol..but that just means youre awesome at writing!

    2. I just began reading this and “Misery Business” today, though I’ve been a fan of “Practice” since its first posting. You are becoming one of my favorite FanFic writers! All of your stories are unique and completely different… PLEASE, keep writing, on any of them!!

    3. i love this story but i have a hard time reading it because i can totally relate to it..and its bringing up my emotions lol..but that just means youre awesome at writing!

    4. I just began reading this and “Misery Business” today, though I’ve been a fan of “Practice” since its first posting. You are becoming one of my favorite FanFic writers! All of your stories are unique and completely different… PLEASE, keep writing, on any of them!!

    5. It certainly is painful to witness the pain of loss Spencer is reliving. I’m hoping that Ashley isn’t dead, but has moved to another state…but I guess I will see! You still have my undivided attention. PMS

    6. It certainly is painful to witness the pain of loss Spencer is reliving. I’m hoping that Ashley isn’t dead, but has moved to another state…but I guess I will see! You still have my undivided attention. PMS

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