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    Let the Flames Begin – (Chapter: The Point)

    "He took me to…uh…. What the hell was called?"

    "It’s called The Point."

    "The Point."

    You repeat his words with no enthusiasm.

    "Yeah, I met this girl when I went out to lunch. She told me a lot of people from King hang out here.”

    "The Point." You say again.

    "Oh, come on Spence, at least give it a chance."

    You throw your door open in response, stepping out into the brisk air. You meet Glen at the back of the car, your watching the movements just a few feet ahead of you. From the looks of it, it’s a bunch of drunken kids stumbling around in the dark.

    "Wow, this looks fun!"

    Your mock enthusiasm forces Glen to gently push you.

    "Hey, it’s better than another round of Monopoly with Mom, Dad, Clay, and Trent.

    "True." You say.


    She hands you another beer, as your let your empty bottle roll down the hood of the car.

    "Is that where you met her?"

    You nod your head in response.

    "Yeah, before we even walked those ten feet to the ‘party’ Glen promised I’d only have to stay an hour. Of course Glen being Glen didn’t follow through with his words."


    "Glen…. Glen…. Glen!" You shout.

    He momentarily pulls his lips away from the trashy looking Latina.

    "What?!" He nearly screams. This does nothing for your patience.

    "Let’s go!"

    "Go? I’m a little busy right now Spence."

    He turns back to the trashy girl and continues to swap spit with her.

    "Just fucking great." You mumble to yourself.

    "Somehow I decided just walking home was a better than waiting around for Glen."

    The girl next to you gives you an ‘are you serious’ look."

    You raise your hands in defense.

    "Hey, I was young, and I’d never been outside of small town Ohio."


    You’ve barely made it to the bottom of the hill as a girl stumbles out of the woods, bat in hand. You stop walking and stand still, waiting to see what she’s going to do.

    "Fucking bastards." You hear her mumble as she approaches a new looking Escalade.

    You let out a loud gasp as the bat connects with one of the headlights. She spins on her heel, shooting you a curious look. Her features quickly relax.

    "Hey." She says as if you know each other. She smiles at you before pulling her keys out of her back pocket, stepping towards the hood of the car. You watch in shock as she drags the key across the hood and down the length of the car.

    She comes back around to the front of the car, and makes her way towards you.

    "Looks pretty good, huh?"

    When you don’t respond she shoves the bat into your hands, and pulls a can out of her jacket pocket.

    You’re too shocked to do anything other than hold onto the bat and watch as she sprays hot pink spray paint over the windshield.

    "Hey, you bitches!"

    A loud masculine shout comes from your left. Before you can turn to see who the voice belongs to her hands is in yours, and she’s pulling you along as you run through the woods.


    "Jesus." She says.

    You laugh before responding.

    "That was just the beginning."

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