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    Lost Hope – (Chapter: 1)

    "Yeah I do…"

    "I’ll do it…" Ashley couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief at the blonde. The  blue eyed girl glared at her which made the brunette cease her chuckling immediately, "I’m trying to help you out. if you don’t want it than fuck you…" the blonde turned to leave. Ashley panicked and in her haste grabbed the blonde’s arm to stop her from leaving.

    "No I’m sorry…I just don’t know if you could learn all of our songs in time…" this time it was the blonde’s turn to chuckle.

    "Your songs are so simple…I wouldn’t have a problem…" the brunette felt annoyance and insult bubble in her throat.

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean…?" the blonde shrugged and Ashley forced herself to forget the rude remark, "Okay wait…i don’t know where Ben left his drumsticks…" Ashley started to mumble to herself, trying to solve the next problem. When she looked up she was surprised to see the blonde standing there twirling two drumsticks in between her fingers.

    "Not a problem just give me a set of drums…" the brunette opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t make out any full sentences. She did however manage to get out one word through her sputtering and at the time it made sense.


    "What?" the blonde snapped.

    "My name…Ashley…" the blonde chuckled in response and flipped one of her drumsticks at the nervous brunette. Ashley managed to catch it in her fingers and looked down to read the gold inscription on the thin piece of wood. ‘Spencer Carlin’ "So your name’s…" Ashley stopped when she noticed that she was standing by herself at the bar. She looked around confused only to see Spencer walking up the steps to the stage and grabbing the microphone. Ashley watched intranced as the blonde twirled the microphone in her hand and then brought it up to her mouth.

    "Hey what’s up?!" she yelled to the crowd and got a huge response. It looked to Ashley that she was not the only one who found the brunette gorgeous as several cat calls wafted from the audience as well, "are you ready for some of the best shit you will ever hear?!" she yelled and once again got a roaring response. Spencer quieted down the audience with a wave of her hand. it was amazing that whenever the blonde spoke the whole audience seemed to hang on to her every word, "than please give a big welcome to Ashley Davies and the Rustics!" Spencer motioned to Ashley to come join her on the stage. How the fuck did she know the name of my band?! The rest of Ashley’s band who were now joining Spencer on the stage gave Ashley quizical looks. Ashley shrugged in response not really understanding what was going on herself and headed up the stage. She walked over to the blonde who had already seated herself behind the drums. The brunette handed over the drumstick, and the blonde took it but not without whispering to Ashley first.

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