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    Lost Hope – (Chapter: 1)

    "I have all your albums and so I know the fucking name of your band," she said sneering as she took the drumstick letting her hand linger a little to long on the brunette’s. Shit, it’s like she read my thoughts! Ashley couldn’t think of anything to say instead she just headed up to the microphone and began the band’s first song.

    It was amazing at how intune Spencer was with the band. Like she had been a member all her life. By the end of their first set Spencer and the lead guitarist, Johnny, were playing rocking duets together in perfect rhythm. When their entire set was complete the crowd broke out into the loudest applause the band had ever recieved. Johnny walked over to Spencer and pulled her up giving her a huge hug. At first the blonde was shocked and didn’t seem to know what to do, but soon she relaxed and returned the hug. Ashley looked on in amazement, Where the fuck did this girl come from…?

    Spencer began making her way off of the stage, without saying a word to Ashley. At the door, however, the blonde turned to look at the brunette who was staring at her through the lights. She gave the shocked singer a wink before stepping out of the club twirling her drumsticks as she went.

    Part 2

    Ashley looked over at Johnny and the guitarist quickly approached the lead singer.

    "Who the fuck was that?" he asked in amazement.

    "I-I…" Ashley couldn’t seem to make out words. Johnny saw the way this girl could make Ashley act and hope for a good thing in the brunette’s life pushed him to push Ashley.

    "Ash…are you just gonna let her leave?" Ashley didn’t know what she was doing anymore. She had never felt this way, "go fucking get her…you heard how she played! She was amazing she is our key to the big time…not that your singing isn’t amazing…" he added as an after thought not wanting to anger the brunette.


    "Ashley! This is not the time to stop talking! You’ve been fucking talking all your life now is not the time to realize that you talk way to much!" So much for not wanting to anger her… The brunette glared at the guitarist and he backed away holding up his hands in mock terror. "Come on Ash this is not like you! Go…get…her!" he pushed the brunette forward and Ashley found herself stumbling towards the exit of the club. When she got outside she noticed the blonde drummer getting into her car. Finally, she forced words past her lips.

    "Wait! Spencer! Wait!" the blonde halted her journey into her car and looked up surprised and slightly amused at the rock star shuffiling towards her.


    "Could you…I mean…" Ashley took a deep breath. Come on get bad ass Ashley back! "The band and I thought that it’d be okay if you came to play for us…" the blonde snorted in disbelief.

    "Are you kidding me? It’d be okay? If I want to join I’ll join if I don’t…" the brunette cut her off.

    "If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here still…" for the first time that night Spencer was the one who was speechless and Ashley took advantage of her silence, "You played well with the band tonight and we think that’d you be a great addition to our band…" the blonde seemed to ponder this and she pulled out a cigarette to help her think. She took a long drag and then offered it to Ashley who in turn to a long breath. Both breathed out at the same time and their breath seemed to dance around each other’s in the air.

    "Okay…" Ashley didn’t show it on her face but inside she was screaming in happiness.

    "Okay…" the brunette replied.

    "Where do you guys go next?" the blonde asked wondering if this was going to put her out, "and is it going to cost me anything?"

    "No, and… I think we go to Los Angeles next…"

    "Wow…big step from Nevada to Los Angeles…" the brunette laughed and the blonde shivered in pleasure. As soon as she realized what she was doing the blonde immediately shut down. Spencer Carlin did not feel. She did not make jokes, she did not fall in love, "so…" she said returning her face back to it’s stoney appearance. Ashley noticed the blonde’s lack of emotion and immediately returned to conversation back to buisness.

    "All rightt come on in…we have a lot ot go over…" the blonde nodded seriously and followed the brunette back into the club.

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