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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Nine)

    “Please move,” the rocker said quietly.

    “No. I can’t Ash,” Spencer repeated.

    Ashley was about to snap but she held her rage in. She gripped Spencer’s shoulders in a non violent manner and took a few deep ragged breaths. “Why are you doing this to me,” she whispered.

    Spencer cupped the rocker’s face, “Because, knowing you Ashley if someone doesn’t push you to do something as simple as talking to resolve a problem you’re going to bottle up all the hurt… and that will eat you up,” she replied quietly.

    The rocker looked down. After a heavy minute she relented and nodded. Spencer smiled sadly and brought her fiancée’s face up so they were eye to eye. “I love you,” she mouthed.

    Ashley grinned and kissed the blonde gently. Spencer looked over to the other guys who stood shyly off to the side. She nodded towards them and signaled for them to step outside. Giving the rocker one last encouraging look she followed the guys out of the room.

    After everyone left the room, Ryan and Ashley stood quietly looking everywhere but at each other for five minutes in completely silence.

    “Ashley,” Ryan whispered looking over at the rocker.

    “I don’t want to talk to you,” Ashley replied defiantly. “I just can’t.”

    “We have to,” the bass player said.

    “You almost killed her Ryan,” the rocker yelled storming over to the bass player. “You almost fucking killed her okay? I have nothing to say to you,” she hissed into his face.

    Ryan straightened his shoulder and faced Ashley, “Kyla isn’t your father Ash,” he replied confidently.

    Ashley socked him in the face. He stumbled back slightly. The rocker shoved him, “Fuck you man,” she hissed. “This has nothing to do with my dad. How dare you bring him up bastard?”

    The bass player wiped off the small line of blood he felt trickle from the corner of his lip. He shook his head and straightened himself out. “This has everything to do with him and you know it Ashley.”

    “Shut the fuck up,” she yelled.

    “You’ve had so many people hurt and betray you in your life,” Ryan continued. “It feels like everyone has been out to get you but I’m not one of those people! Your father was murdered for God’s sake by an evil man, but what happened with Kyla was an accident! I would never do anything to hurt the both of you intentionally and you know that!”

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    1. OK we have another psychotic one here! ohh boy. if and when ash discovers the webcam, heather is going to have one hell of a reckoning to deal with. excellent update, pms!

    2. I’m glad Ryan and Ashley made up. Spencer is good for Ashley. Now the person Ashley should be kicking to the curb is that skank Heather. She just wants Ashley because Ashley is with someone else. I don’t believe she’s in love with Ashley like she said. Heather just doesn’t want anyone else to have her. I hope Spencer has her stalking radar working, she’s going to need it and I hope Ashley doesn’t get into any compromising situations with that skank. Excellent update.

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