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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Nine)

    “Fuck you,” the rocker cried out. “You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!”

    “You’re scared Ashley,” Ryan continued. “You’re scared and as soon as that accident happened or anytime anything that’s out of your control happens you feel it hurts less if you have could point the blame at someone! You’re scared Ashley!”

    “Stop it,” Ashley screamed. “This is bullshit you don’t-”

    “I’m scared too,” Ryan yelled back as tears gathered in his eyes. “I’m scared too Ashley. It’s okay to be scared. Not everything can be controlled. Not everyone is out to hurt you. I love Kyla with all my heart I would never hurt her. It was an accident … I swear to you it was an accident.”

    Ashley fell to her knees and began to sob. Ryan immediately collected her fragile little body in his arms. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered brokenly.

    “I’ve been hurt so many times,” she cried.

    “I know,” Ryan whispered rocking her back and forth.

    “I’m sorry,” Ashley sobbed into his chest. “I love you Ryan.”

    “I love you too,” he replied with a watery smile. “You’re my best friend.”

    After their sobs died down they finally pulled apart and stood from the ground and straightened their clothes out. The rocker winced when she looked up at Ryan’s swollen lip, “I’m sorry I punched you,” she apologized.

    “Forget about it,” Ryan waved out. “You were just taking out your frustrations … on my face.”

    They shared a quiet laugh. The rocker looked over at the doors. “I bet you five bucks Eric has his ear pressed to the door,” she whispered with a smile.

    “No I don’t think so,” Ryan shook his head. “He knows when to respect people’s privacy sometimes. He wouldn’t be listening.”

    Ashley rolled her eyes and moved towards the door, “This is Eric we’re talking about here,” she replied quietly.

    “Five bucks,” the bass player said.

    Ashley nodded and ripped open the door. Sure enough Eric went toppling to the floor. The driver quickly stood up and gave them a goofy grin. “Hey,” he said sheepishly.

    “We told him not to press his ear to the door,” Spencer informed.

    “Damn,” Ryan muttered slipping the rocker the bill.

    Eric frowned, “Did you two bet on me,” he questioned.

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    1. OK we have another psychotic one here! ohh boy. if and when ash discovers the webcam, heather is going to have one hell of a reckoning to deal with. excellent update, pms!

    2. I’m glad Ryan and Ashley made up. Spencer is good for Ashley. Now the person Ashley should be kicking to the curb is that skank Heather. She just wants Ashley because Ashley is with someone else. I don’t believe she’s in love with Ashley like she said. Heather just doesn’t want anyone else to have her. I hope Spencer has her stalking radar working, she’s going to need it and I hope Ashley doesn’t get into any compromising situations with that skank. Excellent update.

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