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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Nine)

    “I won,” Ashley replied proudly. “I knew you would have you ear pressed to the door.”

    “You know me so well,” Eric replied with a shrug.

    “So did you two talk it out,” Spencer asked after a quiet moment.

    “Boy did we,” Ryan replied with a nod. “We kind of more cried it out.”

    “We’re good now,” Ashley added setting her head on Ryan’s shoulder.

    “Group hug,” Aiden yelled gathering his cousin in a bear hug.

    The other Trouble Makers shared a look and then shrugged. They all clambered around the rocker and bass player giving them a hug.

    “Too much muscle and sweat,” Ashley groaned. “Spencer help me,” she squeaked out sticking her hand out from in between the bodies. The blonde giggled and pulled her fiancé out from the middle.

    “I’m proud of you Ash,” Spencer whispered tossing her arms around the rocker’s neck.

    “Spencer you give me way too much credit,” Ashley laughed. “I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. You’re the one that always delivers the much needed kick to my ass,” she replied.

    “Very eloquently put,” Spencer giggled.

    “I should write a novel,” the rocker joked. She gave her fiancée a lingering kiss on the lips. “You are amazing Angel,” she whispered.

    “Oh Carrot Top,” Eric said with a girlish voice as he hopped into Danny’s arms. “I wuv you so much. You are amazing!” He breathed out.

    Danny played along, “I wuv you too my little Angel,” he sighed out.

    “Both of you are dead,” Ashley growled.

    Danny and Eric made a run for it with the rocker hot on their tails. Spencer and the rest of the guys laughed.

    Ryan tossed his arm around the blonde, “She’s right though you know,” he said with a smile. “You are amazing.”

    Spencer blushed slightly, “I’m just glad everything is back to normal,” she said earnestly.

    Suddenly the group heard a high pitch scream. They quickly ran over to where the noise came from. They laughed when they arrived at the scene. Ashley had both Danny and Eric on the ground with her hands twisting their ears back painfully.

    “Okay, we’re sorry,” Eric croaked out.

    “It hurts,” Danny cried.

    “Ashley let go,” Spencer chastised biting back a grin.

    The rocker pouted, “But-”

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    1. OK we have another psychotic one here! ohh boy. if and when ash discovers the webcam, heather is going to have one hell of a reckoning to deal with. excellent update, pms!

    2. I’m glad Ryan and Ashley made up. Spencer is good for Ashley. Now the person Ashley should be kicking to the curb is that skank Heather. She just wants Ashley because Ashley is with someone else. I don’t believe she’s in love with Ashley like she said. Heather just doesn’t want anyone else to have her. I hope Spencer has her stalking radar working, she’s going to need it and I hope Ashley doesn’t get into any compromising situations with that skank. Excellent update.

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