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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Nine)

    “Now Ashley,” the blonde commanded.

    Ashley grumbled but relented none the less and set them free. Eric and Danny quickly shuffled to their feet griping their ears as they groaned in pain and relief.

    “Carrot Top was that you screaming,” Ryan laughed clutching his stomach.

    “It hurt okay,” he growled embarrassed.

    “Dude you scream like a girl,” Brian chuckled.

    “I’ll make you scream like a girl,” Carrot Top threatened.

    “Is it just me or did that sound sexual,” Eric questioned.

    “Shut up,” Danny muttered shoving the driver.

    “Okay enough teasing,” Ashley said holding up her hands. “Let’s get back to practice.”


    After the band rehearsed a good three hours the group headed back to the bus so they could hit the road. Spencer and Ashley retired back into the rocker’s bedroom.

    “So, tired,” the blonde groaned as she plopped down on the bed.

    “Touring can make you that way,” Ashley sighed as she leaned on her side next to her fiancée. She ran her thumb over the blonde’s cheek lovingly. “Don’t worry; it’ll only a few more months.”

    “I got a call from mom today,” Spencer commented.

    “Yeah? Is everything okay?”

    “Everything is fine don’t worry,” the blonde assured. “She was just checking in on us. We shared a little bit of small talk and then out of nowhere she started bombarding me with all these wedding plans.”

    “No way,” Ashley chuckled. “You mean I’m gonna have a Momzilla on my hands?”

    “The biggest,” Spencer smiled. “But I’m glad she’s as excited as we are about all of this. It’s better than having a disappointed judgmental Mom.”

    “You mean like Christine,” Ashley replied.

    Spencer cheeks immediately flushed bright red. “No Ashley I didn’t mean that I … no … I didn’t,” she fumbled over her words embarrassed.

    The rocker cupped her cheek and smiled, “Its fine Spencer, I get it. You didn’t mean it in that way it’s okay.”

    “I’m sorry,” Spencer sighed looking down.

    “Angel its okay,” Ashley chuckled lightly giving the blonde a light kiss. “I’m glad Paula is not like Christine.”

    Spencer shook her head. “I wasn’t trying to make that comparison Ash.”

    “I know,” the rocker nodded. “I’m still glad for that though. Our wedding is gonna rock.”

    “I can’t wait,” Spencer giggled. “I get excited just thinking about it.”

    “Me too,” Ashley whispered dipping down for another kiss. She pulled back after a good minute or two. “You wanna go to sleep now?”

    Her reply was a cute little yawn from the blonde. Ashley smiled and kissed Spencer’s cheek adoringly. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she chuckled.


    Heather stared at her laptop screen in disgust. She couldn’t stand looking at the love fest that was commencing in the tour bus ahead of her. That should be her with Ashley not Spencer! She almost regretted that she’d even set up a webcam in Ashley’s bedroom … almost.

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    1. OK we have another psychotic one here! ohh boy. if and when ash discovers the webcam, heather is going to have one hell of a reckoning to deal with. excellent update, pms!

    2. I’m glad Ryan and Ashley made up. Spencer is good for Ashley. Now the person Ashley should be kicking to the curb is that skank Heather. She just wants Ashley because Ashley is with someone else. I don’t believe she’s in love with Ashley like she said. Heather just doesn’t want anyone else to have her. I hope Spencer has her stalking radar working, she’s going to need it and I hope Ashley doesn’t get into any compromising situations with that skank. Excellent update.

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