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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Five)

    Ashley shot him her trade mark smile. “That’s right,” she continued. “Are you the Mr. John Stevens I talked to over the phone yesterday?”

    He dropped his hand and tried to compose himself. “Oh no, John Stevens is my dad. He has a slight cold so I’m watching the shop for him for a couple of days.”

    The rocker nodded. “Do you have a name kid?”

    “Sorry, how rude am I?” He smacked his forehead. “Yes I do have a name. I’m Clyde Stevens, and it is beyond a pleasure to meet you.” He flashed his pearly whites in a charming smile.

    “Thanks,” she responded as Spencer made her way over to the desk.

    Clyde looked over to the blonde and smiled adoringly. “You’re Spencer Carlin,” he gasped out staring into her eyes as if he were hypnotized.

    Spencer and Ashley shared a look. The blonde gave him a confused grin. “You know my name? Usually I’m known as the girl Ashley Davies is going out with.” She joked.

    “Oh believe me I know your name,” he replied earnestly.

    Ashley snorted. “Well, she is seen in almost every tabloid and magazine I’m in.”

    Clyde tore his eyes from Spencer and turned to the rocker. He frowned and shook his head. “No, that’s not how I know her name.”

    “Okay,” Ashley cleared her throat, slightly uncomfortable. “So, I’m guessing your father said nothing about my visiting the shop at all to you?”

    He let out a chuckle. “No, I don’t know how he forgot to mention that Ashley Davies and Spencer Carlin would be coming. How can that slip his mind? Are you two here for surf lessons?”

    Ashley nodded. He smacked his hands together. “Alright, let’s get you some boards and suits. I’ll grab my other employee Tim and we’ll get started.”

    After a half hour of picking out surf boards, Spencer just had to get the perfect board with the right color, the group headed outside to the vacant beach. Ashley and Spencer were each given separate instructors the blonde got Clyde and the rocker had Tim.

    Another half hour or so was spent on the beach, much to Ashley’s impatience, learning the basics. The rocker figured she had this thing down packed. So, when they were given the go ahead to hit the water she ran out there as fast as she could.


    1. it’s so cute when ash is jealous. I love it. well if ash does hire clyde I’m sure it has the potential to bring a whole new round of drama into the story. excellent update and the official proposal was absolutely perfect. pms!

    2. just caught up…loved the last update paula cracks me up!! lmao man but yea you keep leaving cliff hangers…not cool man not cool lol but wow yea i liked both..not sure about that surfer guy tho…TROUBLE! lol anyways loved it all fav writter as of now! :D pms please

    3. I don’t think Ashley should hire Clyde. He seems like he may be trouble. In the infatuation department. Great chapter. I love this story. I’m glad it still has a way to go.

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