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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Five)

    Boy did she regret it. She should’ve paid a little more attention to what she was being taught. Because after an hour of thrashing wipeouts she called it quits and decided to watch her fiancée from the beach. Spencer, to her surprise, was pretty damn good at surfing.

    Only a couple of times did the blonde fall. She looked like a natural out there in the water. Almost as if she’d been surfing all of her life.

    “Wow, you’re pretty good,” Clyde noted as he paddled up next to Spencer. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” He asked straddling the board.

    Spencer mirrored his movements and blushed at the complement. “This is my first time,” she replied bashfully.

    “You were always a big blusher,” he laughed out.

    The blonde looked at him thoroughly confused. He had been saying stuff like that every since they’d come out to the beach. It was getting a little weird and annoying. “Do I know you or something?” She asked.

    Clyde’s smile faltered. “You really don’t remember me do you?” He set his hands on his hips slightly exasperated.

    Spencer shook her head. He sighed slightly dejected. “We used to go to school together back in Ohio.” He answered with a light grin.

    The blonde’s eyebrows shot skywards. “You went to Baker Junior High School in Fairborn,” she asked completely stunned.

    “Yeah, I was captain of the debate team there,” He supplied helpfully. “You and I also had Algebra together with Mrs. Johnson. I used to sit behind you.”

    Spencer squinted as she racked her brain trying to remember him. Then it clicked. “Oh yeah, you were the one who used to snore real loudly all the time. I remember you! Wow, you look so much different now.”

    “Yeah,” he rubbed at the back of his neck. “It’s no wonder you couldn’t recognize me. I used to be a total geek. You were always so popular. I had braces, glasses, horrible acne, and the whole nerd package.”

    “You weren’t a nerd,” she responded with a smile. “So, how did you go from Ohio to Hawaii? That’s quite a big jump across the country don’t you think?”

    “My parents got divorced,” he answered looking down at his board. “They had been separated for a while and the settlement had it so I was shipped off with my dad. He was the more capable parent.”


    1. it’s so cute when ash is jealous. I love it. well if ash does hire clyde I’m sure it has the potential to bring a whole new round of drama into the story. excellent update and the official proposal was absolutely perfect. pms!

    2. just caught up…loved the last update paula cracks me up!! lmao man but yea you keep leaving cliff hangers…not cool man not cool lol but wow yea i liked both..not sure about that surfer guy tho…TROUBLE! lol anyways loved it all fav writter as of now! :D pms please

    3. I don’t think Ashley should hire Clyde. He seems like he may be trouble. In the infatuation department. Great chapter. I love this story. I’m glad it still has a way to go.

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