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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Five)

    “Fuck you man,” the rocker laughed.

    “Oh my God!” Kyla suddenly yelled.

    “Babe what is it,” her boyfriend asked in concern.

    “Spencer has an engagement ring on! Spencer you’re going to get married! To Ashley! Ashley and Spencer are going to be Spashley, the married couple! Because she has an engagement ring on! They’re going to get-

    “Okay Kyla I think I got it,” Ryan laughed. “Congrats you two, I’m happy for you guys. It’s about time Ashley popped the question.” He briefly hugged the couple and ruffled his best friend’s hair. She scowled at him playfully.

    “I can’t believe this, I’m so happy,” Kyla cried giving the couple a bone crushing hug.

    “Thanks guys,” Spencer gasped out.

    “Does anyone else know yet,” Ryan asked.

    Ashley shook her head. “No not yet. You two are the first. We plan on telling everybody as soon as we get back home though.”

    “This is so great,” Kyla squealed once more.

    “Do you guys want something to eat,” Spencer asked. “We still have some food left over in the basket I think if you want some.”

    Ryan shook his head. “Thanks but we’re good. We actually just got back from this surf shop. There’s this guy who offered to cook for us there … um something Stevens?”

    Spencer frowned. “Clyde?”

    “Yeah,” Kyla nodded. “You know him?”

    “We just came back from the shop about two hours ago,” the blonde continued. “I actually went to school with him before back in Ohio. I didn’t know he could cook.”

    Kyla moaned with pleasure. “He cooked us the most amazing meal.”

    “Damn right he did,” the bass player agreed. “Believe it or not but he can almost cook as good if not better than Grandma. He’s the real deal. Plus he’s a pretty cool guy.”

    Ashley snorted at those words. “I’m sure he is,” she muttered.

    A light bulb went off in the blonde’s head. “Ashley weren’t you looking for a personal chef,” she asked thoughtfully.

    Ashley knew where this was going. “No,” she lied quickly.

    “Yes you were,” Ryan replied earning a glare from the rocker.

    “Why don’t you hire Clyde,” Spencer suggested. “He had told me that he didn’t have a job anyways because of his father.”

    Kyla nodded. “That’s a great idea. I mean we’d have to get to know him better first and you’d have to try his food but he’s a real nice guy.”

    “Maybe you should look into Ash,” Ryan threw out.

    Ashley shrugged. “I don’t know about that you guys.”

    “Please,” Spencer pouted.

    “No Spencer you can’t do that,” Ashley whined. “That’s not going to … oh damn it fine I’ll think about it okay? God stop that!”

    “Thank you,” Spencer giggled kissing the rocker’s cheek.

    “And I thought you were whipped,” Kyla whispered to Ryan.


    1. it’s so cute when ash is jealous. I love it. well if ash does hire clyde I’m sure it has the potential to bring a whole new round of drama into the story. excellent update and the official proposal was absolutely perfect. pms!

    2. just caught up…loved the last update paula cracks me up!! lmao man but yea you keep leaving cliff hangers…not cool man not cool lol but wow yea i liked both..not sure about that surfer guy tho…TROUBLE! lol anyways loved it all fav writter as of now! :D pms please

    3. I don’t think Ashley should hire Clyde. He seems like he may be trouble. In the infatuation department. Great chapter. I love this story. I’m glad it still has a way to go.

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