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    love child and video tape: what you didnt see


    Ashley didn’t care how she got it as long as it was from Spencer and it was soon. Spencer lowered her mouth to the taut nipple and began to lightly flick the left with her tongue as her fingers lightly played with the right. “Mm, Spencer.” Ashley moaned out grinding a little harder and arching her back a bit to get more pressure against her breasts.


    Spencer knew exactly how to push Ashley’s buttons and exactly where those buttons were located. Spencer began to suck on the right nipple knowing full well that it was Ashley’s more sensitive one. The brunette began to work her way to the buttons of Spencer’s skirt. She undid them quickly and tried to pull it off but was having trouble staying focused. In one quick move, Spencer kicked the skirt off to reveal the secret she had been keeping all night. “You were expecting this weren’t you?” Ashley asked between moans.


    Spencer sat up and began to pull Ashley’s pants and underwear down at the same time. She slipped them off and regained her position. “No, it was laundry day and I didn’t have any underwear.” She said sarcastically.


    “Either way” Ashley said before flipping Spencer onto her back and getting on top. She loved Spencer being on top of her, but loved even more to be the one in control.


    “But baby…” Spencer began to say. She interrupted herself when she felt Ashley grind against her warm center. “Mm, Ash.” She moaned out. Ashley placed little kisses from Spencer’s neck to her thigh somehow missing the place she was wanted, needed, and oh so welcome. Ashley glanced at Spencer as she ran her fingers ever so lightly along the wet folds before her. Spencer began to squirm a little under her touch but it didn’t matter which way she moved. Ashley was going to tease her. “Ash, please, I need it.”


    “You need what?” Ashley asked. She loved to hear dirty little words and phrases coming from the blonde’s lips. It was one of her dirty little secrets.


    “I need you to fuck me.” Spencer gave in. Ashley made her way back up Spencer’s body until she was hovering over her lips. Their warm breaths mixed at a rapid rate as Ashley’s hand slid further and further south. Spencer’s eyes shot open as she felt a finger gently circling her clit. “Oh god, Ashley.”

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    1. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

    2. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

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