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    love child and video tape: what you didnt see


    “I want to do more than just fuck you.” Ashley said with a growl. “I want to feel you.” And she applied pressure to the sensitive bud then let up causing a whimper to escape the blonde. ”I want to love you in ways you’ve never been loved.” She applied pressure again, and then let up. “I want to fill you.” She continued punctuating each sentence with a light bit of pressure against Spencer’s clit. “I want you.” She finished by slipping two fingers inside.


    “Ashley!” Spencer screamed and began to grind against Ashley’s rapidly moving hand. Ashley pushed in faster and faster before lowering her head down near her own working hands. She slipped her tongue between Spencer’s fold and began to flick her clit and then trace its shape and then she would repeat in a similar manner. “Mm, fuck Ashley. Oh god, Ashley that is…so fucking…ah…good.” She managed to get out in between pants and moans. She was getting closer and closer but there was something missing. Something missing that she wanted so very badly. She worked her hips harder against Ashley’s tongue and hand so that she could finish off faster. “ASHLEY!” Spencer screamed as her walls tightened around Ashley’s fingers. She came quickly but she enjoyed it very much. The brunette licked the result of orgasm from Spencer’s lower regions before kissing her way back up to Spencer’s lips. She placed three small kisses before cuddling her girlfriend close.


    As soon as Spencer regained her senses, she stood up and walked across the room to where her over night bag was. She leaned over and began to search and search. “Um, not that I don’t enjoy this lovely view…” Ashley said noting Spencer’s perfect ass. “But what are you doing?” She asked.


    Spencer pulled a box from her bag and held it up in the air as she walked closer and closer to Ashley. Ashley’s jaw dropped when she saw what the box was. “Oh my god, Spencer, I had no idea you were so…” She couldn’t find the right word.


    “Kinky?” The blonde asked finishing the sentence. She received a nod before she took the adult novelty from its box and strapped it on. She crawled onto the bed and straddled her lover. “Now Ashley, I have it on good word that you have been a very bad girl.” Spencer said with a smile, but Ashley was still too shocked to speak. “Well we are just going to have to fix that aren’t we?” 

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    1. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

    2. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

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