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    love child and video tape: what you didnt see


    Ashley swallowed an evil smirk and didn’t let it escape as she allowed herself to play along. “But, Spencer, I hove no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve been a good girl.”


    “Late to class, talking back to the teacher, and disrupting class, wow Ashley, you have been a busy little girl haven’t you?”


    “Oh, those things.”


    “So how should we go about punishing you?” Spencer asked as she abruptly removed herself from her girlfriend. She sat on her knees on the end of the bed and told Ashley to get on all fours in front of her. Ashley, of course, did as she was told and prepared herself for anything.


    “Ow, shit” She said as she felt a hand roughly coming in contact with her bottom, but gently squeezing as it hit. Again…this time it hurt a little bit less. Strangely it bordered that line between pain and pleasure, but Ashley was enjoying every second of it. The sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the room followed by little whimpers. As the whimpers began to get quieter, Spencer knew that her lover’s ass was beginning to numb. The blonde pushed Ashley over causing the girl to fall on her back, but still on the rather large bed.


    Spencer put one knee on the left side of Ashley, and the other on the right each just a hair lower than her hips. “I don’t think you have been bad enough to be teased.” Spencer observed.


    “No, I’ve been bad. Baby, I’ve been REALLY bad.” Ashley said. Spencer had known that was one of the buttons she could push. Ashley loved to be teased until she was ready for full on sex. It was a guilty pleasure to put it simply. Spencer lowered her hand and began to trace Ashley’s slick folds.


    “Mm, you’re so wet.” The blonde said before tracing a circle around Ashley’s hardened bud and then up and around the VERY dark brown curls until she reached just below the belly button and then she went down again.


    “My god Spencer,” Ashley moaned out in complete bliss. “I’ll be better I swear.” That was her way of begging for Spencer to enter her. Spencer lined the strap on properly and lay down on top of Ashley tangling their legs perfectly. She began to grind her hips causing the strap on to go in again…and again…and again and…” FASTER!!!” Ashley screamed as she too was grinding her hips. Spencer buried her head in the crook of Ashley’s neck and continued grinding her hips. Pumping the toy in and out, Spencer felt her skin come in contact with the brunette’s letting her know that she was pushing it all the way in.


    Ashley continued screaming as Spencer’s lightly sweat covered skin slid against hers. This was by far one of the best times they have had sex. Right next to the time when Ashley made Spencer scream so much she lost her voice. Spencer continued to pump in and out…in and out…in and out…all while her lips caressed her lover’s shoulder and chest. The blonde raised her hand from Ashley’s dancing hips to her breast and began to squeeze it roughly, yet tenderly.


    A wave coursed through Ashley as she came hard and fast. “Sencerrrrrr!!!” She screamed loudly, but Spencer wasn’t stopping. Spencer removed the strap on from the brunette and lowered herself to her dripping core. She pushed two fingers deep inside of her lover and watched as Ashley tiredly rocked her hips in step with her fingers. “Oh god, Spencer…ahh…I don’t know if I can…mmm ah god…take much more…FUCK! Spencer!!!!!!!” Ashley screamed as she came one more time. Spencer licked the remaining juices before crawling up her girlfriends shaking body. She cuddled her sweat slicked body close and kissed the top of her head with a content smile. She knew it would be a while until she came back to reality.


    “Spencer?” Ashley asked weakly but with a large smile.


    “Yeah baby?”


    Ashley laughed randomly and said, “If you’re going to cuddle me take off the strap on.”


    “Oh, right.” Spencer laughed and blushed before removing it and crawling next to her lover once again. “I love you, you know that right?”


    “I love you too Spencer, but it’s time to sleep because you wear me out.” The couple cuddled close and fell asleep happy that they were with each other.





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    1. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

    2. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

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