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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 8)

    Ashley and I practically jumped away from one another, “Y-yeah dad, we’re awake.”

    He opened the door and popped his head in, “I was just going to tell you that dinner is going to be ready in about five minutes.”

    “Alright. Thanks dad.”

    “No problem Spence.” He shut the door.

    Ashley and I looked at one another very seriously and then we burst out in laughter, “Oh my god.”

    Ashley nodded and continued to laugh, “I know, I know.” After that comment she got serious again.

    I shook my head, “What? What is it?”

    “It’s just…why didn’t you ever tell me what an amazing kisser you are?”

    “Would it have honestly made a difference?”

    “No, probably not.”

    Ashley got dressed and I put on a pair of boxers. I wasn’t exactly in the mood to get dressed. Plus it was just dinner with my mom and dad. I had to crutch my way down the stairs and down to the dining room. We all took a seat at the table and my mother said grace. I knew she was just waiting for the right moment to ask me about what happened in Afghanistan. I still didn’t want to talk about it.

    “So, um…honey, what exactly is wrong with your leg?” The doctor in my mother began to surface.

    “I have extensive damage to the muscle tissue. I’m not going to be able to walk on it for awhile.”

    My mother chimed in, “Yeah, you still have to go through physical therapy after the stitches are taken out. What caused so much damage to the muscles? It couldn’t have been a simple fall or anything.”

    I chewed my food and glanced over at Ashley, she knew that I didn’t want to talk about it so she quickly cut in, “Um, this chicken is amazing Mr. C.”

    My father looked up from his meal and caught on immediately, “Thanks Ashley, I’m glad that you like it. So, Paula…what do you think about taking a day off and going up to that resort?”

    My mother looked at my father as if he was mental, “Arthur, we can’t leave Spencer. She is on crutches after all.”

    “I’m sure that Ashley can handle taking care of her for a couple of days.” My dad gave Ashley a wink.


    1. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

    2. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

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