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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 8)

    My mother remained silent for awhile but then finally chimed in, “Well, I guess that…would be okay.”

    The rest of our dinner was spent in silence. I was just thankful to be off the topic of what happened to me overseas. After dinner Ashley and I went back up to bed. It seemed as if we were never planning on getting out. And it wasn’t because of an extensive amount of sex. It was just simply the fact that we felt completely comfortable sleeping with one another.

    “Hey Spence.” Ashley was standing in my closet changing once again.


    “I was thinking, what are you doing tomorrow night?”

    I snuggled into bed, waiting for her to come out, “Ash, I haven’t even been back a day do you really think I have plans?”

    She came walking out of the closet but was stopped halfway to the bed when she tripped on a random piece of clothing on the floor, “Good point. Well, would you like to go on a date…with me?”

    She seemed so unsure of herself; it was cute to me, “Our first date? Hmm…depends. What do you have in mind?”

    “It’s a surprise. But, I promise no alcohol and no large groups of people.”

    “Just us?”

    She nodded, “Just us.”

    “I’m in.” I gave her a sweet smile and she followed suit, giving me a quick peck on the lips before the both of us finally laid down and fell asleep again.

    I could feel the knife digging in to my gut. I could feel the heat of the desert. I heard the laughter. My fears all collided. I was back in the cave. I was hanging from a chain and hook. My hands and feet were bound. But suddenly I hear a calling in the distance.

    “Spencer, Spencer wake up!”

    That’s when I feel the jolt and suddenly I open my eyes to realize that I am in the comfort of my own bed. I cling to Ashley, letting fresh tears roll down my face, “Ashley…” I choke on the breath that I am desperately taking in to my lungs.

    “Shh…Spence, it’s okay. You’re okay.”

    “You don’t understand…it’s…’s so real.” I cried harder.

    Ashley looked confused, “What’s so real?”

    “The dreams. I’m back in that cave and I’m hanging by my wrists, and the laughter…Ashley I can’t…I just…I can’t.”


    1. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

    2. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

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